479 Think Red Ink – Don Harris pt 4
Think Red Ink – Don Harris
Hello everyone everywhere. This Pastor Robert and I want to welcome you to the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast today. I have a special treat for you today. We have, back on the line all the way from the thriving metropolis of Pie Town, New Mexico is our good friend, Don Harris.
Don Harris is a former pastor who was plagued by an inability to accept the illogical explanations of traditional Christianity. He quit. For 23 years he traveled to all 48 contiguous states as well as to Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria and Israel looking for answers. What did he find? Questions.
Don discovered Jesus did not come to give us the answers; He came to teach us to think. To think for ourselves. If you have been turned off or turned out by what is called “traditional Christianity” going on today, then you will find a refreshing approach to hearing the Word of God through Don’s books.
Don’s nickname is – The Eraser. His job, is to clear the chalkboard for The Teacher – Jesus. There are many false notions and ineffective ideas which must be replaced by examination in light of “the red ink* – the words of Jesus as recorded in the Scriptures.”
A frequent proof or test is the standard – “What did Jesus say?” To see Jesus, to hear Jesus, to follow Jesus… we must Think Red Ink. The ideas, the ways and the perspectives of Jesus often, if not always, surprised those in His audience. The typical response was always, “We’ve never heard anything like this before!”
The mission of “Think Red Ink Ministries” is to refocus Christians onto the Words of Jesus. To focus on his questions. To focus on his answers. And to focus on this ultimate goal which is to “Get His Man Back.”
That’s what Don brings to the table and I am so blessed to have, back on the program today, Don Harris. Don, thank you for coming back the show today!
For those that missed our earlier episodes, because it was a couple of years ago, other than that short bio I read, tell us, “Who is Don Harris?”
Now, you had your own type of “Job Experience” when God, basically, decided He had had enough of Job’s complaining and in Chapter 38 told Job, “I’ll ask you some questions and you answer me!” Tell us about that…
Jesus asked almost the same thing from those that kept questioning Him as well, didn’t he?
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think your book, “The Questions of Jesus” is celebrating an anniversary, correct?
What kind of pre-conceived ideas does traditional Christianity have that has most Christians thinking everything was already completed in the past? And WHY are they in error?
Well, I agree there is a lot of misinformation going in churches today. What is your perspective of predestination?
What is the message you are trying to get people to pay attention to that will help them to study and learn for themselves?
Why do many pastors find your messages, shall we say, “problematic?”
Isn’t it impossible to “keep” the commandments at all times? What happens if someone does break a commandment?
What do think is hindering most people in their relationship with God?
Tell us about your radio program…
And you do some special call in programming as well, correct? Like, “Live Q&A”?
How can people get their own copy of “The Questions Jesus Asked?”
If someone wants to reach out to you, to ask a question or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they get in touch with you, Don?
I will be putting links to all of this in the show notes as well.
Don, I want to thank you for your time today. It means a lot to me. We need to do better to stay in touch. Let’s not wait another two years before we get back together again!
Folks, I want to encourage you to go to Don’s website at www.thinkredink.comand look around. There is A LOT of information on that website. Don has gone the extra mile and is making almost everything he has available there. And then he went way beyond and is offering the free audio book today as well! Glory to God!
You need to tune in to his radio program Sunday mornings at 11am ET, called “Red Letter Edition – LIVE” which is the live call in program and Monday-Friday at 8am ET for “Red Letter Edition” which will challenge you verify your beliefs in a way that will ultimately result in a lasting relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Don, thank you again for coming on the program today, buddy. I truly do appreciate you and your friendship.
Folks, that is all we have time for today. All the links are in the show notes…so be sure you check out Don’s information on his website. For Don Harris and myself, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Website: www.thinkredink.com
Don’s website: www.donharris.com
Don’s Books On Amazon:
The Questions Jesus Asked (Revised) on Amazon
The Questions Jesus Asked (Original paperback) on Amazon
The post 479 Think Red Ink – Don Harris pt 4 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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