Episode 1389
ABOVE and NOT BENEATH – Robyn Sears
Above and Not Beneath
Robyn Sears
One thing that I learned from my time in the military, was belief in yourself must come from within. You have to “see yourself” as an overcomer in any situations you face. Be it physical, emotional, or whatever.
That does not mean you have “go it alone.” The military prides itself on team work. That type of training begins day one in basic training and continues all through your career.
But, for those who have not had their mindset strengthened by that type of training and those types of experiences, it is easy to lose sight of just how special you are. It is easy to fall victim to life’s circumstances and begin to have a negative mindset about everything.
Sometimes, things happen to us that we have no control over. Life happens. But it is especially important, during those times, where we need to see ourselves as overcomers. Children of the Most High God. Victorious over circumstances. Heirs of the Kingdom. Amen!
Our guest today helps women who have experienced adversity in their life, to achieve success and to improve their mindset.
Robyn Sears became a wife and mother at the age of 17. She was focused on raising and nurturing her family until, at the age of 34, she found herself divorced and having no skill sets to fall back on.
It was at this time she entered the workforce and faced challenges there as well. But her desire to provide for her three children, the challenges she faced, including difficulties with her first boss, all combined to increase the pressures and apprehension she was facing on a daily basis.
At least until God brought her together with a couple who owned a thriving business, who also became her mentors. Through their guidance and support, she was able to grow spiritually, personally and professionally. Amen!
Robyn Sears eventually formed, “Above and Not Beneath” to help coach single mothers who are looking to improve their lives through personal and professional development.
If you are a single mother or perhaps someone who has survived domestic abuse, sex trafficking or poverty, etc., you need to pay special attention to our interview today.
Robyn Sears will be explaining some things for us today that will inspire you, will help you to see the opportunities God is making available to you, to help you achieve more and experience personal and professional success. Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, the founder of “Above Only and Not Beneath,” Robyn Sears. Robyn, thank you for taking the time to join us today!
The first question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Robyn Sears?”
Tell us about how life started out, married at the age of 17 and what was life like at that point in your life?
One thing I found on your website, which really hit home for me, was where you were talking about a couple that had mentored you and you learned, “…the pursuit of perfection creates stress, while embracing mistakes fosters genuine growth.” Can you explain that for us?
I noticed you use something called “the power of the pause.” Can you explain that for us and how does it work?
You share that your coaching program involves, “Focus; Reflect: Refine.” Can you share those three steps with us and what they mean?
You also help women to strengthen, what you refer to as, “Three Mental Muscles.” What are those muscles and how do you strengthen them?
Are there ways to take stressful situations and turn them around from a problem to an advantage?
You encourage businesses to invest in the single mother community. Are there advantages for the business to do so?
Not all women are in the same situation you were in. Do you have an assessment program or something that a woman will take before you start to help her?
You are also a podcaster, correct?
Share about your podcast with us…
Robyn, this is so interesting and also, so needful, in this day and time in which we live. If someone has a question or would like to receive more information on this program, how do you recommend them to get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, if what Robyn has been sharing with us today has touched your heart, I want you to drop down into the show notes and get in touch with her, right now. Amen!
Even if you are not seeking assistance, perhaps you can help in the funding of her effort in this outreach. Amen! Every person could do something to help. You’ve heard me say before, there are “those that go; those that help those that go and those who pay for those that go.” Amen!
I’m sure Robyn can use the extra help of financial gifts in her outreach. I also know that someone, listening to us right now, needs to get in touch with Robyn because the situation you are in is not a good one. You need to talk with someone who has “been there and done that” – and that is Robyn. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Robyn Sears right now – while you are thinking about. Don’t let the devil have the last say. You are a child of the Most High God and He has equipped Robyn to be able to minister to you, right now.
Email: robyn@abovenotbeneath.org
Website: https://abovenotbeneath.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abovenotbeneathcoach/
Podcast: “AboveNotBeneathPodcast”
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