Episode 1032
Bite Size Devotions - Terry Nightingale
Published on:
20th January, 2022
Bite Size Devotions – Terry Nightingale
Do you remember there was a time when the purpose for technology was to “give us more time” to do other, more important things? Like spending more time with the family? I remember when they were bringing automation and computers into factories. There was a lot of push back from the workers who thought that management was just trying to eliminate their jobs. Management and the technology industry rebutted that and said the reason for using new technology was to make our lives easier. We would not have to deal with repetitive tasks all day long. We could let the machines do it so we are not as tired when we go home. We can have a better quality product; a better quality life and better quality time with our family! Let me just ask you, how’s that working out for you? I constantly here (and am guilty of this, too) that “I’m so busy – it seems like I don’t have time to do anything extra…” Does that sound like you? There are folks who tell me they have a hard time giving God just 15 minutes a day. They fail to study His Word. They fail to pray to Him on a consistent basis. And the excuse is almost always, “I don’t have the time…” Well, my guest today is going to help get back into the habit of study the Word and hearing from God and spending “quality time” with the Creator of the Universe. Amen! Terry Nightingale is a pastor from down under in Perth, Western Australia. He moved there from the United Kingdom in 2003, with his wife Sue and he has been involved in some facet of Christian ministry over the years in teaching, evangelism, music ministry and pastoral care. Pastor Terry authors a weekly blog titled, The Best is Yet to Come” which is short messages for busy Christians on the go. He has written a book based off of this blog and off of his podcast, titled, “Bite-Size Devotions for the Busy Christian.” Help me welcome back to the program, Pastor Terry Nightingale! Pastor, thank you for coming back on the program! I appreciate it! You were on back in January to talk about your other books. But this one is a bit different. “Bite-Size Devotionals.” Why do you think this book is so needful in the day and time we find ourselves in right now? This book is based off of your blog and podcast? What’s the name of your podcast? I love it. That is sort of like my daily podcast “Prayer 2021.” I go a bit longer. I usually average 6 minutes! But I’ve discovered that more people are tuning in because these can be consumed very quickly. Is that why you wrote this book? Is this like a 30 day devotional type of book? Give us the format. How does this work? You do a blog. You also do a podcast. You also write books. You also minister. How do YOU find time to do all these things? Is that why your podcast is only 4 minutes? And you decided it was time to help others out with a short devotional that can be consumed quickly, too? What a lot of people do not realize is the time it takes “behind the scenes” to do a podcast. Even a short one. Yours is four minutes and mine averages six. But it takes me a good half hour to an hour, sometimes, just to prepare for that short duration. Do you find the same thing in your prep time? Pastor Terry, this is all so intriguing. I love it. How can someone get a copy of your book, “Bite-Size Devotionals for the Busy Christian?” Is it on Amazon? And if someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or possibly to do an interview such as this. How can they do that? How can they get in touch with you? I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes. Folks, as I stated in the beginning, technology today has not given us “more time.” No, it has allowed us to cram MORE into the time we have. Which, when pushed to the limit, means cutting some things out. I believe Pastor Terry and I are in agreement, one thing you should NEVER cut out is your alone time with the Most High God! That is one reason I wake up early, before everyone. I want to have that alone time with the Creator of the Universe. I consider it my personal appointment with God Himself. Amen! When someone tells me, “I’m just too busy to study the Bible or pray. I just don’t have the time…” my response is always, “You can’t spare 10-15 minutes for alone time with God?” Then I ask, “What are you doing at 4am every day? The response is almost always the same, “Sleeping.” Then I ask them, “You can’t get up 15 minutes early and spend time with God before your day begins?” Folks, that is why Pastor Terry Nightingale has written this book! “Bite-Size Devotionals for the Busy Christian” has been written with YOU in mind! You busy person! Praise God. No more excuses! Go down into the show notes and order your copy today! In fact, order two or three – or four or five copies! Give them out as Christmas presents! You cannot give anything more valuable than the Word of God! Amen! Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Get in touch with Pastor Terry and be sure you click the link to order his great book, “Bite-Size Devotionals for the Busy Christian?”CONTACT INFORMATION:
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