Episode 1311
Biz Gone Social - Lorraine Duncan pt 1
Biz Gone Social
Lorraine Duncan pt 1
Today, I am thrilled to introduce a truly inspiring guest who has embraced the power of social media to transform her business and reach unprecedented heights of success.
For over three decades, our guest, Lorraine Duncan, worked hand in hand with her husband, diligently running their family business. They tirelessly employed traditional networking and relationship-building methods to connect with potential clients.
However, everything changed when Lorraine discovered the immense potential of social media. The world opened up before her eyes, as she realized the incredible ease with which she could forge meaningful connections with thousands upon thousands of prospective clients, all from the comfort of her own home. It was a game-changer that revolutionized her approach to business and set her on a path to new and unimaginable achievements.
But Lorraine's story doesn't end there. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors, she has devoted a significant portion of her life to missionary work through her church. For more than seven years, she held the esteemed role of Women's Ministry Director, guiding and empowering women within her community.
Her heart for service took her to far-flung places like Belize and Kenya, where she played a pivotal role in building a school, overseeing the operations of an orphanage, and even establishing a sports camp. Furthermore, Lorraine took on the admirable task of teaching and mentoring women leaders, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to make a lasting difference in their own communities.
Today, we have the privilege of delving into Lorraine Duncan's extraordinary journey—a story that demonstrates the power of embracing new technologies while staying grounded in the values of service and compassion. Join us as we uncover the secrets to her astounding success and glean invaluable insights that can transform our own lives and businesses.
Get ready to be inspired as we dive into the fascinating world of Lorraine Duncan—a true trailblazer in business, community service, and the art of building lasting connections in our digital age.
Help me welcome to the program, Lorraine Duncan! Lorraine, it is such a blessing to have you on the program today!
First question I always ask is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Lorraine Duncan?”
Before we jump into the use of social media, share with us some of the life changing experiences you had in your missionary work. What was it like the first time you went on a missions trip?
I always recommend teenagers, just before leaving for college, they should go and spend at least two weeks on a mission trip to a third world nation. I believe it helps them to realize just how blessed we truly are here in this land.
Have you been able to stay in touch or revisit those whom you helped in your mission work?
Let’s shift gears and move over into social media…
I know social media can be very useful. I was on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and all of that. But, one day, I realized four hours had gone by and had accomplished zero work on things I had to accomplish that day. It felt like I had been sucked into a giant vortex of comments, likes and shares and couldn’t escape. That’s my view of social media.
I know I have to have presence, but I turned to automated posting services just because I did not want to waste time. I also know I’m limiting my ability to network. So, the question I have for you starting off is this: Did you ever experience that when you started out on social media?
I realize that social media is a great way to promote your services, etc. But can you explain how to walk that fine line between providing information and outright self-promotion? Especially if you are posting on other folks pages or groups.
Which social media platform did you start with in promoting your business?
Can you share with us how important the power of connection is, especially in running an online business such as yours?
Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to get in touch with Lorraine Duncan right now! While you are thinking about it! You don’t need to go and check out your Facebook page to see who’s posting pictures of what they are eating right now. You need to drop down into the show notes and contact Lorraine Duncan and find a way to monetize your time on those social media accounts. Amen!
Email: lorraine@bizgonesocial.com
Website: https://www.bizgonesocial.com/
LinkedIn: Lorraine Duncan
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