Episode 1259
Chaselynn Fitness – Chase Williams pt 1
Chaselynn Fitness
Chase Williams pt 1
During the COVID lockdowns, a lot of businesses found themselves in deep, deep financial chaos. Most businesses run on a shoestring anyway. They have bills coming and the rely on the consistent income to make sure those bills get paid, including salaries, etc.
The government reaction to COVID took everyone by surprise. The draconian shutdowns were especially tough for business owners who had poured their life savings into the business, only to be told, “tough.” I never could figure out how or why it was not allowed for small, mom & pop stores to remain open and only allow one or two people at a time to come, shop, spend some money and allow the business owners to remain viable – but it was OK to allow big box stores to remain open and have 500 people inside, six feet apart.
But that is not the reason for today’s discussion. The point I’m making is there were massive, massive shifts in businesses during the COVID lockdowns. Some businesses closed and never recovered. Some are still suffering today. But – for others, it was a time of transition. A time to reflect on what was important and use that time to make changes for the better.
This applied to individuals as well. Some people longed to go back to the 9-5 grind while others became entrepreneurs and pursued their God given calling outside of the norm.
That is what happened with our guest today.
Chase Williams was the fitness director in the corporate world. All was well, but she still had a desire to step out on her own. She knew God had given her a calling and a passion. The COVID shutdown allowed her the time to turn that passion into action! Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, Chase Williams. Chase, it is so good to see you again! Thank you for taking the time to come on the program today!
The first question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Chase Williams?”
Tell us what life was like in your business back before COVID hit? Was it mainly in the gym’s and workout centers?
How did COVID change your perspective on how all of that was working?
At what point did you decide to go out on your own?
So, as you made your plan about what to do – how did all of that come to pass?
Folks, Chase Williams understands the need for women to create the joy, stability, creativity and reflect the Love of God in their family and community. This impacts, not just your family now – but the next generation as well. And the generation after that.
It all starts with the NOW. It all starts with YOU.
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Chase. Ask your questions. See if she would be the right person to help you get to where you, not only want to be – but NEED to be! Amen!
Email: Use the Contact Form on the Website - https://chaselynnwilliams.com/contact
Email: Use the Contact Form on the Website - https://chaselynnwilliams.com/contact
Website: https://chaselynnwilliams.com
Insta: @chaselynn252
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trainerchasewilliams
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