Episode 1455
Christian Professionals of Atlanta – Ana Megrelishvili
Published on:
15th February, 2024
Christian Professionals of Atlanta Ana Megrelishvili
Networking in business is so important, more important than some people realize. If you are trying to run a business by yourself, making decisions by yourself, planning everything by yourself, creating marketing plans by yourself – you are BY YOURSELF. But, when you can network with other professionals, you can “pick their brains” (so to speak) and bounce ideas of those who have gone before you in the battles you are now facing. You can talk about problems you are facing, hurdles you’ve encountered. You can bounce ideas of others. Some may even pitch in and help you accomplish your goals, etc. With Christians, it is especially important. Not only are you in business, but you are living out your values (at least you should be). That can create all sorts of additional pressures that most secular minded businesses are not really concerned with – but you are! What if you could network with business professionals who are also living Christian values, reflecting Christian values and advocating Christian values in their businesses? That would be WIN-WIN-WIN and WIN – amen! Our guest today is the founder of an organization called, “Christian Professionals of Atlanta.” Ana Megrelishvili is here to share information about this organization whose mission is to bring together Christian professionals in the Atlanta, GA area and help them to develop meaningful relationships through common faith, values and philanthropy. Amen! This organization goes out of its way to achieve a positive impact on the community service to others. Ana also helps adults find their own path to positive change through her own coaching business, “Find Courage to Change.” Amen! Ana is also the author of a great book, “Finding Courage to Change.” Help me welcome to the program, Ana Megrelishvili. Ana, it is such a blessing to have on the program today, I appreciate your time! First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Ana Megrelishvili?” What kind of obstacles have you run into while trying to grow your organization? Can you tell us what types of events and things like that do you hold? I noticed on the website that you do have speakers come in. These are professionals and non-profits from the Atlanta area? Share with us about your coaching business… what do you offer? Is this only available to those in the Atlanta area, or can someone work with you remotely? Share about your book, “Finding Courage to Change.” Why did you write this book? What would be the number one take-away someone reading your book will receive? Ana, this has been so interesting. If someone is in the Atlanta area and would like to get more information on joining the Christian Professionals of Atlanta, how can they do that? How can someone obtain more information? If someone wanted to get more information on your coaching practice, how would you like them to get in touch with you? Your book, “Finding Courage to Change,” how can someone obtain a copy of that book? Is it on Amazon? I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below. Folks, as we said in the beginning, networking is crucial to any business. It is absolutely crucial if you are a professional and you want to improve, get better at what you do and meet people who are like minded. And it is absolutely vital – if you are a Christian professional, to surround yourself with professionals who hold the same value system you do concerning Christian ethics and morality in business. Amen! Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Ana. Check out the Christian Professionals of Atlanta. Order her book, even if you are not in the Atlanta area, it will be a blessing to you. Amen! And be sure to check out her coaching services as her Christian perspective on things could bless you immensely in whatever it is you are trying to do or grow in professionally. Amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:

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