Episode 162 – Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible – Dr. Jay Grimstead pt 3
Episode 162 Show Notes for Dr. Jay Grimstead Interview
Dr. Jay Grimstead is the founder and director of the Coalition on Revival. He was a personal friend and co-laborer with the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer on the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy and considers Dr. Schaeffer his mentor. Dr. Grimstead is a favorite among the young, high school and college age generation because of his offbeat, rollicking sense of humor and fresh perspectives – and he worked for 20 plus years with the international youth organization – “Young Life.” For many years since then, he has been a leading visionary and networker among Christian groups around the world. Amen!
Dr. Grimstead, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit with us today…I want to make a note that we, as a Christian people, are coming up on the 500th anniversary of when Martin Luther nailed his 95 point thesis to the church door and launching us into the Reformation…so I really appreciate your work all the more.
And, although this book was written a few years ago, congratulations is in order on this great book, “Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible: Reclaiming the Truth on 24 Controversial Issues” – this book has to be a MUST READ for anyone in the ministry! Folks, you need to get this book – it will give you the ammunition you need to refute those who want to attack Christianity and the Inerrancy of the Bible! It should be part of the added arsenal of books at seminary schools across America! And I do not add that kind of endorsement often, amen!
Now, you discuss this in your book…but, Tell us about your views on the Agenda 21 and environmentalism, global warming, etc…
If a group of businessmen and professionals and pastors, ministers, etc. desired to unite together and, basically, take back our government, beginning at the local level and use Biblical morality and standards to impact our society and nation – what kind of advice would you give to them to get them started?
You even have a section in your book for parents to ask prior to enrolling their children in “so called” Christian colleges. How has this been received? Especially by the colleges?
Do you have a list of colleges and their responses? You should have an idea of which colleges are actually going to “teach the Word” rather than “teach the world.”
What was the number thing that held you back after accepting your call into ministry?
What was the best piece of advice you received after accepting your call into ministry?
How do your respond when someone says, “If God is good, why does He allow bad things to happen to good people?”
In your opinion, what is the number one demonic force in the world today?
Did God make some people homosexual and some straight?
Why does the pastor keep talking about tithing all of the time?
Dr. Jay, I appreciate you taking the time to come on our broadcast today. This was an eye opening interview for me! Praise God! You have given me and the listeners to this broadcast a lot of information to think about – and all BIBLE BASED information at that! Thank you!
If anyone wanted to reach out to you, ask you a question or perhaps to do an interview like we have…how can they get ahold of you? Can you give your contact information for them to do so?
Folks, before we close, I want to encourage you, one more time, to go to Amazon and order Dr. Jay Grimstead’s book, “Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible” – you really, REALLY need to add this book to your library – especially if you are in the ministry!
For Dr. Jay Grimstead and myself, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau, reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
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