Episode 220 – 50 Shades of Money – Debbi King
Show Notes for Debbi King Interview
Debbi King received her Bachelor of Science degree from the Univ. of South Carolina in 1990…by 1998, she had to file for bankruptcy…but armed with the wisdom and knowledge of what she learned, she rebuilt her financial life and now teaches and empowers others to do the same…
Folks, she went from over $200K in debt and only making $10K as a single mom – to being debt FREE and having a successful ministry… She is the president of Lovell Ministries, a ministry she started in 2012 to honor in memory of her maternal grandmother…amen and amen…
She is the proud owner of “The ABC’s of Personal Finance” – a recognized national personal finance and life coaching firm…a motivations speaker, personal financial expert and author of two award winning books, “The ABC’s of Personal Finance” and 26 Weeks to Wealth and Financial Freedom”
She is a contributor to multiple media outlets – in addition to speaking around the country on the subject of money and living your authentic life…
She has two radio programs on our station, “Evangelism Radio” – six days per week. Three for “ABC’s of Personal Finance” – Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s from 1030-11am ET and on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday’s at the same time, you can hear her broadcast on “Lovell Ministries” – Praise God – welcome back to the show, Debbi King!
Now, I am blessed to announce that Debbi is launching and releasing her latest book entitled, “50 Shades of Money” – WOW, what a title – which encompasses the 50 most asked questions she has received over the last 15 years of being a personal financial coach and national speaker on the subject of finances…AMEN!
Debbi, just to catch everyone up – other than that brief bio – tell us, “Who is Debbi King?”
Now, I want to focus on something here for just a moment. You went from over $200K in debt to becoming a teacher on how to become successful in personal financial health. Tell us a couple of things…ONE: The calling to work in this area. How and when did God put that into your heart; and TWO: What confirmation of this calling did you receive when you had your “Ah-ha” moment.
And you wrote the book, “ABC’s of Personal Finance” – and we discussed that book last time. How is “50 Shades of Money” different?
What was the underlying reason you felt compelled to write this book?
Who are you marketing this book to? Who is that “perfect avatar” that you are targeting?
This book is due to be released in January 30, 2018.
Will this book be in the local bookstores or just online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc?
Are there any special events, book signings, and things like that – are they being set up to coincide with the book release?
Are there any special deals being offered prior to the book release? (pre-order discounts)?
Closing thoughts – what is the number one thing you want our listeners who will purchase your book to take from the book?
Folks, I highly encourage and recommend this book to you. I pray that you will help Debbi to become a “best selling author” with this book. I have worked with this woman since our last interview – about four months ago – on her radio broadcast. I am telling you, she is PASSIONATE about her service to the Lord. She is a detail type person and she “calls it like it is.” I am proud and blessed to have her as part of our broadcast family.
As part of the “family” – I would like to see our broadcasters support her in promoting this book, buying this book and helping her to spread the Word through this book.
Debbi, if someone wanted to contact you, perhaps to do a book signing or come and speak to their church or group – how can they get ahold of you?
We will put all of this information in the show notes as well.
That’s all the time we have for today – ORDER HER BOOK: “50 Shades of Money” – and SHARE THE LINK to this program with your friends and family…SUBSCRIBE to our broadcast and help us grow!
Until next time, this is Pastor Bob THibodeau along with Debbi King reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Website: www.debbiking.com
Website: www.lovellministries.org
Emai: dking@debbiking.com
Books on Amazon:
ABC’s of Personal Finance: http://amzn.to/2EjYO4v
26 Weeks of Wealth and Financial Freedom: http://amzn.to/2DDQECD
50 Shades of Money:
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