Episode 255 – Current Events and Biblical Prophesy – Stan Deyo Interview pt 2
Show Notes for Stan Deyo Interview
Stan Deyo has been called at real life “Indy Jones.” His story is one that I feel you will find intriguing and hard to believe…but I will allow him to present the facts as he sees them – then you must make your own decision. But the graphs and pictures on his website back up the narrative you are about to hear. So I feel his story is one that needed to be shared. After listening to the podcast episodes, go to his website at
- www.standeyo.com
and look around. Then you make up your own mind.
To try and describe Stan Deyo’s background is like reading a novel…If I tried to recap everything, there is no way I could do it justice. So I will just highlight a couple of things here and then refer you back to his website
- (www.standeyo.com)
and you can review his background there. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on his bio.
Stan worked on classified projects down in Australia for Dr. Edward Teller to develop anti-gravity propulsion technology from 1972-73 and was not allowed to return back to the USA until 2001 when former Sec. of Defense Jim Schlessenger allowed him to return home.
He has trained in systems and programming since 1964.
Currently lives in Pueblo Colorado with his wife, Holly Deyo.
He is a research physicist (formerly and self educated).
He is the author of three books and six scientific papers.
He is an amateur archeological expert on the Middle East. He actually “knew” the original “Indiana Jones” and explored his digs near the Wadi ha Kippah in the Qumran (Israel).
He claims to have found the actual location of the mythical ATLANTIS in 2015.
Started researching Atlantis in 1989. But he found that by using new satellite imagery – his research took on a whole new level.
Theorizes that since the earth’s mantle, being made a solid crust on a fluid magma beneath, was impacted by a huge asteroid that actually shifted (slid) over the magma. This began the separation of the continents. This allows for the matching up of historical records of Plato to current day topography.
Stan successfully ties together Biblical records of the Flood of Noah, Plato’s account of mythical gods, Biblical accounts of fallen angels that mated with females creating a race of giants, Plato’s account of the “Land of Atlantis” and the “Capital of Atlantis.”
Provides archeological “proof” of the Flood of Noah; How it happened? Why it happened? What were the physical results of the 40 days and 40 nights of rain?
How the asteroid that hit near India created the present day Middle East.
I want you to go over your first hand information on what you were working on in this regard, for the US Government. I know we covered some of this before, but I would like you to give us a recap – and then tie it in with where you see us on the prophetic calendar.
UFO’s / ET’s – are they about to be “introduced” by world authorities as being “real” (and of course – they are “peaceful”).
Stan discusses his work with anti-gravity devices in 1974, and found out these devices have existed since the 1950’s.
The “ET’s” that we were “helping” adapt to our environment – actually “kicked us out” of these secret basis (underground, underwater, etc) – and they were now preparing for their “invasion.” (Folks, you can’t make this stuff up! There have been TV shows that depicted these things so as to “desensitize us” to their appearance).
Possible efforts to euthanize elderly people who are no longer “productive” or the sick among us…as well as the abortion movement – could be ET related…
I mean, the UFO Tracker site has listed 30 sightings or events that have already occurred in the first three months of 2018. MUFON reports this a 60% increase from the same period last year. With last year reporting over 5600 sightings.
Stan, I want to thank you again for taking the time to come and chat with us again. If someone wanted to contact you, to reach out to you for questions, etc., how can they do that?
And I seen Holly’s book, “Prophetic Encounters” is now up on your website – go ahead and give us a brief synopsis on the book and how our listeners can get it.
Folks, that’s all the time we have for today. I could talk to Stan for hours…I find all of this information fascinating – which is why I asked him to come back on the program! AMEN!
For Stand Deyo and myself, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you to “Look up! Your redemption is drawing near!”
- www.standeyo.com
For contact information – go the to the website and use the contact form
Holly Deyo’s book: “Prophetic Perils” is now available at this link:
- http://www.standeyo-cart.com/Prophetic_Perils_End_Times_events_revealed_p/proper.htm
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