Episode 388 – View From The Top – Aaron Walker Interview
View From The Top – Aaron Walker Interview
I want to thank the Podcast Movement 18 team for allowing us to broadcast LIVE from the PM18 Pavilion today; I want to thank Steve Stewart, director of FinCon Podcast Network for helping to make today a success, I want to also thank Talk Shoe for sponsoring today’s event and I want to thank Heil for supplying the mic’s and all the things that go into making this a live event…that being said, I want to introduce to you our guest today…his name is familiar to some of you…
Aaron Walker from “View from the Top.com” Businessmanand Life Coach Aaron T. Walker has inspired many through his leadership, mentorship, and consistent pursuit of excellence. He enjoys helping others and believes experience is a great teacher. 35 years of entrepreneurship and marriage have given Aaron a wealth of experience. Aaron sold his first business to a Fortune 500 company at 27 years old and continues to reach new heights – he is a Serial entrepreneur and host of a Mastermind Group called “Iron Sharpens Iron” – he lives life on purpose and is not afraid to share his Faith in God along the way…help me welcome to the program, the one, the only – Aaron Walker.
Aaron, other than that brief bio, I always start with this question first, tell us, “who is Aaron Walker?”
Grew up in a “not so affluent” family of six – Tell us about your upbringing
When did you get saved…at what age?
How has all of the success you have achieved been a direct result of living your Faith?
And, if I recall, you graduated from high school at age 16 or so?
First job was in a pawn shop after school…
You opened a pawn shop at age 18? How did you do that?
At age 27 you sold your pawn shops to Cash America..
Once you “retired” – you were bored?
What happened then?
Tell me about “Living on Purpose” – how can we do that?
In 2001, after a tragic car accident, you changed personally and spiritually…tell us about how your outlook on life changed?
You try to meet a new person each and every day – and establish some type of relationship, correct? How do you go about doing that? Just walking up and saying “Hi?”
You also try to reach out to 3 people each day in your contact list – just to see how they are doing?
And you also believe that the most important relationship you can have is your family…how many men do you know that have sacrificed family for business…and how their relationships have suffered as a result?
Your personal assessment from your website, viewfromthetop.com, How did you develop that form…it is a profound worksheet…how did you come up with this?
You believe in accountability groups…you host some and you are part of some…how do these work to make you “successful?”
How did you decide to start a Master Mind group?
I wan to ask you a couple of questions now, from what I call, my “Lightning Round” – questions I have been asked or other pastors and ministers have been asked – but I want to get your perspective on these as well…
What is your favorite ministry program on TV?
Other than the Bible, what book are you reading right now?
What major project are you working on right now?
LAST QUESTION: If you woke up tomorrow, and you were just that 27 year old and all that has happened in your life since then was just a dream – but you were allowed to retain all the memories – what would you do differently and why?
Aaron has a book out called “View From the Top” – and I want everyone to jump over to Amazon and order it. I’m ordering mine. Aaron, what can our listeners expect after reading your book? How will it benefit them?
If someone wanted to contact you, perhaps about joining your Mastermind or if they wanted to ask you to come on an interview, whatever – how can they do that?
That’s all the time we have for today. I want to thank the Podcast Movement team for selecting us to podcast LIVE today…I want to thank Steve Stewart, director of FinCon Podcast Network for all the work he has done to make this possible… I want thank “Talk Shoe” for hosting the podcast Pavilion today – go visit www.talkshoe.comand see the great packages they offer (I’ve been part of Talk Shoe since 2010, that is where I first began my podcast that ended up becoming a highly rated online radio station – Evangelism Radio – www.evangelismradio.com)
I want thank Heil for providing the mic’s and all the other things that go with the live broadcast set up here at Podcast Movement 18 – and I want to recognize and thank, one more time, our great guest today, Aaron Walker…go over to www.viewfromthetop.comto get more information on his business and to connect with him…and ORDER HIS BOOK called “View from the Top” on Amazon.
For Aaron Walker, for the Podcast Movement 2018 team, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Email: aaron@viewfromthetop.com
Website: www.viewfromthetop.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AaronWalkerVFTT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vftcoach
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop/
BOOK: “View From The Top”
The post Episode 388 – View From The Top – Aaron Walker Interview appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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