Episode 440 – Set The Captives Free – Willie Needham Interview pt 1
Set The Captives Free – Willie Needham Interview
Evangelism – a term that is close to my heart (our radio station is called “Evangelism Radio” for a reason)! How would it make you feel to see an evangelist sharing the Gospel on every street corner? What does it take to accomplish that?
Today’s guest is Willie Needham, an evangelist minister from the Hudson Valley region in New York state. He and his partners in ministry, Jim Herald and John Williams, focus on sharing the Gospel everywhere they have an opportunity, parks, local events – even a boxing match! AMEN!
Help me welcome to the program, Willie Needham. Willie, thanks for coming on the show today!
Now, you have to tell us about the boxing match evangelism – but, before we get into that, let me start with this question. I always start with this question first, tell us in your own words, “Who is Willie Needham?”
Ok, now let’s go over this boxing match evangelism.
Tell us about “Southpaw Soapbox Discipleship training.”
Tell us about the phrase, “Fight until the bell rings.”
If I have my facts straight, your group witnessed to 3500+ people last year?
How did you get started? What sparked this type of ministry?
You’ve been impacting your church as well. How have you been able to accomplish that?
Now, you share the Gospel based on, what you call, the Good Person test. What is that and how do you use it in evangelism?
- One on one or groups
- Lead them in identifying they are sinners
- Consider what will happen to them after they die (if still living in sin)
- Make sure they are concerned about their spiritual condition
- Show them what God has already done for them, through Jesus Christ
That sounds like a plan of evangelism to me!
Do you sense, in society as a whole, especially in America today, Christians just do not seem to care about the spiritual condition of people who obviously do not know the Lord?
Do you think it is a spirit of selfishness on our society today?
Why does every believer need to share the Gospel with other people?
I seen a statistic, I’m guessing two or three years ago now, that if every believer would witness and convert one unbeliever every single year…which means you win ONE to the Lord this year…then you win ONE MORE next year and the person you led to the Lord this year does the same, wins ONE to the Lord next year… it continues (kind of like “network marketing” only for Salvations) – within, I think it was 7 years, EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD would be born again or at least had the opportunity to be born again. Isn’t that what evangelism is supposed to be about?
Why should other Christians talk about and make an unbeliever confront their sin?
If someone has not ever done this before, what challenges can they expect as they venture forth into evangelism?
How can a person overcome these challenges?
One of your podcast episodes dealt with a discussion of the different Evangelism Models. Explain what they are to our listeners and how & when they should be used.
Speaking of which, tell us about your podcast…
Willie, it has been great talking to you! You and your team are doing a great and mighty work for the Lord and I know He is smiling down His Favor upon you! If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or maybe to have you do an interview such as this – how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, I love this! Willie Needham and his team are out there, intentionally, on the front lines of Spiritual Warfare! They are in the battle. But they cannot do it alone. No war has ever been won by people fighting battles on their own. It takes a team effort. In the military, individual soldiers are taught to operate as a small unit fire team; those small teams learn to operate as a squad; which learn to operate in ever increasing sizes, platoons, company, battalions, brigades, divisions and Corps. All of them from the individuals on up, have one and only one goal – to win the war and to do whatever it takes to do so.
I’m impressed with what “Set the Captives Free” ministries. I want to encourage you to contact Willie Needham today. I want to especially encourage you to take advantage of the discipleship training program they have put together. I want to encourage you to ask them to come out to your church or ministry group and share what they do. Now – here is the important part.
I want you to send them an offering of support. I rarely do this on the air…you know that. But when I do, it is because of the leading of the Holy Spirit. I cannot even remember the last time I did something like this. Often I will encourage you to purchase a book or something like that – which supports the ministry efforts. But today, I want to ask you – I want to encourage you – to sow an offering of support into “Set the Captives Free” ministry.
Go to www.scfministry.comand click on the DONATE TAB. Do it right now. Do it while you are thinking about it. Whatever you do, DO NOT put it off until later! That is the devil whispering in your ear. He knows he cannot stop you if you put your mind to it. So he just tries to get you to “wait until later.” Hoping he can distract you enough to forget all about it. That is the devil’s battle plan. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
Go to www.scfministry.comright NOW and click DONTATE and send an offering of support today. It doesn’t matter the size of the offering. The Lord can multiply it for them, just like the loaves and fishes. But, be like the young lad who sowed a two piece fish dinner. Think about it – that two piece fish dinner was multiplied to feed THOUSANDS of people…and the young lad went home with enough bread to last his house a good little while. AMEN!
Willie, I thank you again for coming on the program. And I’m not just talking here – I am going online after we hang up today and our ministry will be sowing a seed into your ministry as well. SO there you have it folks, I’m not just saying this – I’m putting action with my Faith as well. Amen.
That’s all the time we have for today – Glory to God, it’s been good! AMEN!
For Willie Needham and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Website: www.scfministry.com
Podcast: Fight Until The Bell Rings
Email: wneedham@scfministry.com
DONATE LINK: https://www.scfministry.com/donate
The post Episode 440 – Set The Captives Free – Willie Needham Interview pt 1 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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