
Episode 81 Stan Deyo pt 1 – Modern Day “Indy Jones” – Discussion on Discovery of Atlantis; Noah’s Flood

Published on: 19th March, 2017

Show Notes for Stan Deyo Interview Parts 1 & 2

(Discovery of the mythical site of ATLANTIS; Explanation of the cause of Noah’s Flood; How the present day Middle East was formed)


Stan Deyo has been called at real life “Indy Jones.” His story is one that I feel you will find intriguing and hard to believe…but I will allow him to present the facts as he sees them – then you must make your own decision. But the graphs and pictures on his website back up the narrative you are about to hear. So I feel his story is one that needed to be shared. After listening to the podcast episodes, go to his website at www.standeyo.com and look around. Then you make up your own mind.

To try and describe Stan Deyo’s background is like reading a novel…If I tried to recap everything, there is no way I could do it justice. So I will just highlight a couple of things here and then refer you back to his website (www.standeyo.com) and you can review his background there. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on his bio.

Stan worked on classified projects down in Australia for Dr. Edward Teller to develop anti-gravity propulsion technology from 1972-73 and was not allowed to return back to the USA until 2001 when former Sec. of Defense Jim Schlessenger allowed him to return home.

He has trained in systems and programming since 1964.

Currently ives in Pueblo Colorado with his wife, Holly Deyo.

He is a research physicist (formerly and self educated).

He is the author of three books and six scientific papers.

He is an amateur archeological expert on the Middle East. He actually “knew” the original “Indiana Jones” and explored his digs near the Wadi ha Kippah in the Qumran (Israel).

He claims to have found the actual location of the mythical ATLANTIS in 2015.

Started researching Atlantis in 1989. But he found that by using new satellite imagery – his research took on a whole new level.

Theorizes that since the earth’s mantle, being made a solid crust on a fluid magma beneath, was impacted by a huge asteroid that actually shifted (slid) over the magma. This began the separation of the continents. This allows for the matching up of historical records of Plato to current day topography.

Stan successfully ties together Biblical records of the Flood of Noah, Plato’s account of mythical gods, Biblical accounts of fallen angels that mated with females creating a race of giants, Plato’s account of the “Land of Atlantis” and the “Capital of Atlantis.”

Provides archeological “proof” of the Flood of Noah; How it happened? Why it happened? What were the physical results of the 40 days and 40 nights of rain?

How the asteroid that hit near India created the present day Middle East.


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Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast
Interviews with influential Christian ministry and business leaders / owners, authors & musicians & prophecy experts, too!
Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28-35 minutes in length (give or take a few minutes). This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1600th Episode (with over 1100 individual interviews) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

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Robert Thibodeau

I am a 12 year Army veteran as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
I am now a retired law enforcement supervisor...

I had my own business for seven years before I entered law enforcement.

As a cop, I was injured on the job on May 12, 2007 and after several surgeries over a couple of years, forced to retire in 2011.

As I was looking down the road to “what am I going to do next?” I started what is now known as a podcast (I had no clue at the time).

Within six months of starting (what I called) “My online radio program” I was offered an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio. I learned A LOT in one year of doing that!

I then started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010. It has had listeners in 160+ nations and all 50 states. We host 50+ Christian broadcasters on a weekly basis. We have been operating 24/7 for almost 14 years now. We have been rated #1 in the world by Shoutcast. com on several occasions in our genre. We recently transferred ownership of Evangelism Radio to another ministry so I could concentrate full time on podcasting, preaching and writing.

In 2018, I started the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast to conduct interviews with Christian influencers from all walks of life and to play their interviews on the radio station. (The KCR Podcast has its own time slot on Evangelism Radio)!
We now have over 1600 episodes and almost 1100 interviews (in just over 6 years).

Looking out at the future of online Christian media, I noticed there was no viable platforms that catered only to the Christian podcast market.

In 2023, we launched a networking platform called, "FaithCasters" which connects "Great Christian podcasters with Great Christian Guests!" This helps to promote the work you do through podcast interviews! Check it out at https://FaithCaster.org

We recently launched "FaithCaster Academy" which serves as a training hub for ALL of our trainings (podcast training / speaker training / interview training, etc.). Members receive access to ALL of our training programs for one low, monthly membership fee. Members also receive FREE access to ALL of the LIVE trainings I conduct (1 or 2 per month) - while non-members have to pay to access the live trainings.

Between my podcast training program, conducting podcast interviews, appearing on other podcasts as guests, speaking at conferences (in person and virtually) and the podcast networking platform, I guess you could say “I’m all in” when it comes to podcasting and online media!

My total focus is to do all we can to assist you to “Get The Word Out” about your mission, services, products, ministry, books, business, etc.