Episode 1109
Financial and Total Destruction – Tom Donnan pt 1
Financial and Social Destruction
Tom Donnan pt 1
There is no doubt we are living in the last of the last days. Everything around us is falling apart. The economy, the supply chain, oil and gas supplies – even society is falling apart faster than anyone could predict. Our government is broken, our leaders are imbeciles and traitors. Our churches are broken and weak. The ONLY thing left is God.
And, for the most part, Americans have forsaken Him, too.
That is the outlook for this nation and the world right now. Wars and rumors of wars. Famine, pestilences and diseases, hyper-inflation, crime out of control, murder rates rising. More and more mass shootings. And all of that is the “good news.”
It is getting worse day by day – and I thank God for it! Amen!
Brother Bob! How can you say you thank God for all of this bad new?
Simple, because His Word tells us it is going to be just like this immediately before the return of Jesus! Praise God! THAT – IS GOOD NEWS! At least for believers! Amen!
Matthew 13 verses 16-17 and Luke 10 verses 23-24 tell us what Jesus informed His disciples of – and, since we are His disciples also, He is speaking to us. He said, “Blessed are YOUR EYES because the see and YOUR EARS for they hear. For I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things that you see but did not see and to hear the things that you hear but did not hear it.”
Folks, the culmination of the ages is about to happen right before our very eyes! For believers, we also have the promise to escape the worst part of it! Praise God!
I’m not going to take the time to teach on this because that’s not the purpose of todays program. But you can do your own studies of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and then Revelation chapters 1-3 that talk about the church – and then it’s not mentioned again as the Tribulation on folds – especially after John is told to “come up here.”
But, again, that’s not the point of today’s program.
Our guest today is Tom Donnan, who is back to share some warnings about things happening right now and then viewing things by the Spirit as he was shown. These are not good messages for anyone who is an unbeliever. Unless they get born again prior to the triggering event, whatever that may be. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan!
Tom, thank you for joining us again today. I’ve been looking forward to our conversation today and I know our listeners will get a lot out of this, if they are paying attention to what is happening every single night on the news. Amen!
You shared with me that the next shock wave that is about to hit humanity is going to come in three different waves. Let’s take them one at a time and go through them.
What is shock wave number one?
So, we see the financial shock wave hitting right now. This government has just flooded the economy with cash that has no backing to it at all. It literally is dropping the value of the dollar. Which means it takes MORE dollars to purchase things – which is called INFLATION. And that is happening as we speak.
What is shock wave number two?
I’ve seen reports that companies are moving into neighborhoods and offering two and three times the value of house in some areas, just out bidding any offers on homes for sale. They then intend to rent these home out. Which means the American dream of actually owning your own home is soon going to be a thing of the past. Nobody will be able to afford to out bid these corporations.
And what is shock wave number three?
We’ve discussed the increase in earthquakes all over the world, but especially in this nation. In areas where we traditionally have not seen earthquakes.
I continue to hear rumors about the rumblings under Yellowstone National Park, they are increasing in numbers not seen before. If that super volcano blows, it will destroy 1/3 of the nation and whatever is left of the agriculture in this land. We will literally be blown off the map of being a nation that can take care of ourself and be in a position to help others.
This could be why there is not mention of the United States being a major player in the tribulation period, which is fast approaching…
You also mentioned that electricity will be out for an extended period of time. I wonder if that is because of an EMP or nuclear war, or the explosion of Yellowstone – or, as we’ve discussed on numerous occasions, a possible asteroid colliding with the earth…
What we see happening right now with our food supplies could be the precursor of things to come – and very soon. Even if it’s not as bad as we are describing, just the inflation factor could turn this nation into another Venezuela very quickly…
Folks, there can be no doubt in the mind of any believer that the end is very, very near. Only a fool would continue to say that “all is well,” like our government officials try to tell us. If this nation refuses to repent; if this nation continues to follow the ungodly paths it has been on – this nation can be written off in one day, if the Lord wills. Go down into the show notes, get in touch with Tom Donnan... order his books! He's providing them, in cooperation with Zoe Healing Center, FREE of charge! Take advantage of this today!CONTACT INFORMATION:
Tom Donnan
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