Episode 613
Flipside Evangelism – Jay Ricci pt 2
The Flipside of Evangelism Today – John Jay Ricci pt 2
Evangelism. When you hear that term, what comes to your mind? What do you think of when you hear that word – “Evangelism?”
For some, they think of someone standing on the street corner yelling at everyone that walks by, telling them they are “going to hell if they don’t repent – NOW.” All while waving a Bible in one hand and possibly a microphone in the other. Or some may think of traveling to far off land to hold huge open air revivals with thousands of people in attendance.
But, in actuality, evangelism is rarely like either of those things I just mentioned. In fact, you may not even realize it, but you are probably serving as an evangelist right now! If someone asks you about your faith, you are now an evangelist. That person is looking to you to explain why you have Faith in the Gospel and in Jesus Christ.
The general definition of an evangelist is someone who “declares” something. In this instance, Faith in Jesus as the Savior. But it can go a whole lot deeper than that.
My guest today is an evangelist that has made it his life’s calling to, not only share the Gospel, but also to help others understand their part in sharing the Gospel. And this topic is near and dear to my heart. My calling into the ministry is the calling of “Evangelist and a Teacher. I’ve also served in the calling of pastor of a church for a bit. But my anointing lies in evangelism and teaching. And for the last 27 years, that is what I’ve specialized in.
So when I heard about what “Jay” Ricci is doing with the “Open Air Campaigners Mission” and the book he has written, “Evangelism’s Flipside: A Journey of Reaping the Unexpected,” I just had to get him on the program to share this information with you.
How did you receive your calling into the ministry? And especially, into Evangelism?
What is it you do there?
What has been the hardest thing about what you do?
What tips can you give others who are just starting down this evangelism path?
Tell us about your book. It was not originally intended to be published, right?
Is it available on Amazon?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, get more information or maybe to do an interview such as this. How can they get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes.
Folks, evangelism is so important. It is the lifeblood, if you will, of the Body of Christ. The Bible says “life is in the blood.” Well, without evangelism, there is nobody getting born again. We need to expand our outreach now, in this day and time, more than ever before. And that means, not just evangelism, but EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM.
I encourage you to go to the links below, get in touch with Jay. Get in touch with his organization. Find out how you can help. Find out how you can grow. Find out how you can learn all about effective evangelism.
That is all the time we have for today. For “Jay” Ricci, and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Email: https://jjrbiblepreachingandteaching.wordpress.com/contact/
Website: www.Oacusa.org
Evangelism Flipside Book on Amazon
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