Episode 1228
Four Commands of Christ - James Ford pt 1
Four Commands of Christ
James Ford pt 1
How many of you, listening to me right now, when you were born again, you were on fire for Christ? I mean, this was THE best thing ever! You talked about your Faith at work and with friends. You attended church. If there was a special event or conference coming to town, you were there. It was AWESOME!
Then, life began to creep back into your life. The devil started to whisper, “Is that all there is?” You started to skip the Bible study meetings. Not all of them, but it started. Then came a Sunday when you “just didn’t feel like going…” Then…and then… and then…
Until one day, you just felt like you let Jesus down. You were undeserving. You were, should I say it? “A SINNER.”
Well, don’t feel alone. It happens to everyone. Me as well. Our guest today has experienced that, too. The only issue is when you allow it to take over your life. When you realize what has happened and don’t do anything about it.
That allows the devil to take the foothold and begin to build a castle in and around your life. You need to understand that and how to combat that. Once you do, then life begins to spring up all around you and in your spirit man – again! With a renewed purpose and Love – the Love of God! Amen!
James Ford was a carpenter by trade, with no formal training other than a high school graduate. But God had given him talent and natural abilities to be a blessing to others through construction.
He was born again and on fire for the Lord at age sixteen…and immediately had an encounter with the Lord. But just four years or so later, he left off following the Lord and questioning his Christianity.
Let me just say here, that although John left God, God did not leave John. Amen!
Many years later, James realized God had a mission for him. And was given the mission to share with the world, “The Four Commands of Christ, Disciplines of Faith.” His ministry name is “The Ark Project US.”
John Ford has now published a book by the same name, “The Four Commands of Christ, Disciplines of Faith,” and he is here today to share with us his testimony, his ministry and all about this great book!
Help me welcome to the program, James Ford, author of “The Four Commands of Christ.” James, thank you for taking the time to join us today.
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is James Ford?”
Let’s go way back to the beginning, when you were born again at age sixteen. You said there was an encounter with the Lord that happened almost immediately. Can you share that experience with us and what happened?
So you just continued on in the construction business, living your life, etc. Until 1980. Then what happened?
You came back to the Lord because of listening to Christian radio?
(You see folks, you don’t have to go to church and ask the pastor to pray for you. Just like James, I was not born again in a church, I did not have anyone pray for me. I prayed to the Lord out of my desperation and He heard me and, without going into my entire testimony again, I WAS BORN AGAIN and my life has never been the same since. Amen)!
Your calling into ministry was from the Book of Ezekiel. I also have the Book of Ezekiel, chapter two and chapter three, for my calling. But the primary calling He gave to me, was from Ezekiel 3:1-11 and specifically verses 5-8.
That made complete sense to me, because I’ve always been told growing up that I was hardheaded! But the point is, I’m not sent to be a missionary overseas, etc. I’m here to proclaim the Gospel to the United States, so they are without excuse.
Your calling was a bit farther down in Ezekiel 3:17. Care to share that with us?
One thing you cover in your book, and I’m absolutely in agreement with, is there is a difference between knowing about Christ and knowing Christ. Loving Christ. Serving Christ. Surrendering to Christ and maintaining that kind of relationship with Him. And you use the phrase, “tithing your time.”
I have used that phrase for over 25 years and I’m shocked that, even now, when I say that, people don’t understand what it means. “How can I tithe my time?” So you and I are on the same page there. Can you explain that for our listeners?
Folks, James Ford has written this book under the inspiration and command of the Holy Spirit. He has quantified some very important things into just a few major commands. “The FOUR Commands of Christ.” Praise God!
You need to drop down into the show notes below, right now while you are thinking about, and click the link right there to order this great book. Your life will not be the same, guaranteed. Amen! Buy one, two or three copies and share them. Ask you pastor to order enough copies for your next topical study in your weekly Bible study groups. You need the information that is in this book. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and order your copy today.
Email: jford2129@gmail.com
Website: https://www.thefourcommandsofchrist.org/
Website: https://thearkprojectus.org
Book: “The Four Commands of Christ, Disciplines of Faith” – on Amazon
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