Episode 1442
From the Wilderness – Chastity Dawn
From the Wilderness Chastity Dawn
Chastity Dawn grew up as a Christian in the mid-west. Her background was in the denominational church and thought all was good. In about 2010, she visited a non-denominational church and found out what it meant to have a true “relationship with God.” Amen!
When the COVID shutdowns happened, she found herself wondering how she would continue her walk without church to lean on. She soon found herself in the midst of turmoil in a personal relationship, out of a job and life spiraling out of control.
Through all of this, she discovered that the only true thing that matters is our “personal relationship” with God. I’ll stop there because I want her to tell her story and not me. Amen!
But Chastity is the author of an amazing book, “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: My Journal of Surrender and Course Correction.”
Help me welcome to the program, Chastity Dawn. Chastity, it is a blessing to have you on the program. I’ve been looking forward to our discussion today!
First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Chastity Dawn?”
First, share with us your background and how you went from being part of “organized religion” to realizing it was a “personal relationship” that mattered and not so much “what church” you belong to…
Many believers think the “Lord’s Prayer” is something like the “foundation” of faith. But what you learned is something about the “Kingdom of God.” Share with us a little deeper…
The importance, I believe, is if we start with reading God’s Word – especially on a daily basis – it is us spending quality time with the Father – and allowing Him to minister to us on a deeper level. Not a strict, 15 minutes on our knees in a particular place, altar or prayer bench or inside our closet… whatever… We can spend time with God in anyplace – even the car or at our desk. How do you emphasize this fact in your book?
Let’s shift for a minute to your book, “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path.” Why did you write this book and why publish it now?
What will the readers receive as the main takeaway from reading your book?
You also have a coaching program, correct?
Chastity, this is so interesting. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction?” Is it available on Amazon?
If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or possibly do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, Chastity discovered the Truth contained in the Bible. The Truth that God wants a relationship WITH YOU! Everywhere you go, God is there! Everything you do – GOD IS THERE, with you! Start acting like it… that does not mean you are going to be “perfect” – that is impossible in these flesh and blood bodies. But it does mean, when you have one of those “human moments,” you can talk to Him just like you talk to your best friend. Amen!
This book offers a fresh perspective on what it truly means to not conform to the pattern of this world and to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. Drawing from her personal experiences of heartbreak and struggle, author Chastity Dawn confronts the false narrative that finding a good church equates with growing in one’s relationship with God. She does this by revealing how stepping away from organized religious activities led her to forge a deeper connection with God.
Drop down into the show notes and get your own copy of Chastity Dawn’s book, “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction.” Order it right now, while you are thinking about it. Amen!
Chastity, it has been a blessing to have come on the program and share all about your walk with God and your great book, “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction.” I do appreciate you coming on the program today.
Email: chastity@chastitydawn.com
Website: https://chastitydawn.com
Book: “From the Wilderness to the Narrow Path: A Journey of Surrender and Course Correction” – on Amazon
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