Episode 1014
Heart Touch Music – Craig Perkins pt 2
Published on:
22nd December, 2021
Heart Touch Music
Craig Perkins pt 2
Have you ever felt alone? Abandoned? Like, everything you do is wrong? If so, I have good news for you today. You’re NOT alone. You’re NOT abandoned. God is always with you, even if you do not recognize His presence. Some suffer abuse at the hands of their parents. Some are just abandoned and, more less, forgotten about. That could describe our guest today, Craig Perkins. Craig’s parents were alcoholics and fought violently. His Father abandoned the family and, later, his mother did the same. Ultimately, the courts stepped in and the children to an orphanage on the other side of the country. Living in an institution with 320 other unwanted kids is all Craig knew while growing up. When he finally was able to leave the orphanage, it was only natural he began to follow a rebellious path in life. He enrolled in college as a music major, but knew nothing about music. But soon, the college party scene started calling, and this rebellious man answered the call… But for the efforts of Christians on campus who reached out and witnessed about Christ to anyone who would listen, including Craig, who knows where his path in life would have led. But instead of a life of death and destruction, Craig has been serving the Lord! Craig Perkins is the founder of “Heart Touch Music,” had a traveling concert ministry; has hosted and served in retreats, seminars, recovery programs and healing centers. The songs he has written are his own original works (and we will share some music in today’s program). But, he has also reached out and found his parents and witnessed the Love of Christ to them! Praise God! This is part two of a GREAT three part interview! The family unit has always been a target for Satan – all the way back to the Garden of Eden. He successfully destroyed your family. But you later took him on and started searching for your parents. The Lord led you to be intercessor for them instead of an accuser. What motivated you to start tracking down your parents? You composed a song titled “Hold Me Daddy” during this time. Let’s listen to a clip of it and then come back to the interview… You first found your mother. Tell us about that and what the outcome was… You composed a song about your mother. It’s called “When I Say Mommy.” You’ve provided a clip for us, let’s listen and then come back to the interview…. Did you ever play that song for your mother? Did you find your father in your search? What was the outcome of that? I want to encourage you to get back to the basics of your Faith – and allow Craig’s music to help you in your quiet time. To minister to you when you’re down. To minister to you as you pray and meditate. To minister to you – just about all day long, if you’ll let it. Just click the links below to visit Craig's website and check out everything he has to offer you! You will be blessed!CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: hearttouchmusic@gmail.com Website: http://www.hearttouchmusic.org/Mentioned in this episode:
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