Episode 652
Impossible to Forgive – Charles Areson
Impossible To Forgive – Charles Areson
Forgiveness. We are commanded to “forgive others as you have been forgiven.” But how many grudges do you still hold? Would you like to stand before the Father and have Him judge you on how you fulfilled that command?
Sometimes, we can say we “forgive.” But do we really? “Well brother Bob, you just don’t know what that person did to me.”
What if someone murdered a family member? Could you forgive them? Would you forgive them?
Well, my guest today has had to live that scenario out. Charles Areson lived with knowledge that his mother was killed by a serial killer. The killer was discovered and convicted and died in prison.
Charles wrote a book about his experience in learning how to forgive. The book is titled, “Impossible to Forgive: What God Can Do When You Can’t.” We will be discussing this book and his story on the program today. He is also the Pastor of Tell City Church of the Nazarene in Tell City, Indiana.
Help me welcome to the program, Charles Areson. Charles, thank you for taking the time to visit with us today.
Let me start by asking, can you to tell us in your own words, “Who is Charles Areson?”
Ok, I was contemplating reading the information on the murderer, but I think it would be better for our listeners if you just gave us a quick synopsis of what was involved back in the early to mid 1990’s concerning Orville Lynn Majors.
Your grandmother was hospitalized and under his care?
How long was she in the hospital before he killed her?
How long did it take you to come to the point where you knew you had to forgive him?
Did you ever communicate that to him?
Obviously, most people will not experience anything like you have, though there will be some that do. But how can someone actually learn to forgive like this? Just reading about it and listening to a sermon about it, it doesn’t seem like it would be enough.
What are some of the various ways people struggle to forgive like this?
What are some common misconceptions about giving forgiveness to those who have committed such heinous acts, such as murder?
Have you been in touch with other families of the victims?
In writing this book, did it help to bring any sort of healing, emotional or spiritual to you?
Do you find it easier to issue forgiveness to others now? I mean, after this, it would seem to me that everything else would be almost petty, right?
Is your book available on Amazon?
Do you do any speaking on the topic of forgiveness and tell your story publicly?
Charles, if someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, ask you to come speak somewhere or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
Folks, I pray you, and I, would never have to live through an experience like Charles Areson has been sharing with us. But, if you did, would you be able to forgive? Would be able to lean on the Lord so hard, that He would actually bring you to the place where you could forgive the person who did something so horrible to you or your family?
You need to get a copy of Charles book, “Impossible to Forgive: What God Can Do When You Can’t.” You should talk to your pastor about bringing Charles out to speak with your church. If you are a ministry leader, get in touch with Charles and have him come to talk to your group about forgiveness.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” He said that while they were intentionally killing him. That one act, is an example for all of us.
Charles, I want to thank you for taking the time to come on the program today. I do appreciate it. I want to have you come back on again some time so we can talk about some other things as well.
Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Charles Areson and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Email: csareson@gmail.com
Facebook: Charles S. Areson
Website: www.scareson.webs.com
Church Website: https://tellcitynazarene.webs.com
Book: “Impossible to Forgive: What God Can Do When You Can’t” – on Amazon
Information on the murders: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orville_Lynn_Majors
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