Episode 1276
Is Anyone Listening - Tom Donnan pt 1
Is Anyone Listening
Tom Donnan pt 1
We are back today with our good friend, Tom Donnan. Every time Tom comes on, we talk about end time events as compared to current events. We see the correlations. We see them happening, live, right in front of our eyes.
But, is anyone listening?
That’s the million dollar question today!
Help me welcome back to the program, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on and sharing with us your insights into what we see happening in the news and the world around us as we are being led to the End Times…
Share with us the story you shared with me about a man named Harry T…and how one decision changed his entire family line for Jesus…
Let me ask you, in the days of Noah, as he was building the Ark, he was sharing what was going to happen and why he was building the Ark. But nobody believed him. They were mocking him and all that. Until the rain started… then, suddenly, everybody was paying attention. But it was too late.
It kind of reminds me of the wedding parables. They were supposed to stay awake, but the Bible says, “all were sleeping.” The only difference though, the wise maidens had their lamps filled with oil and were ready… the others were not…and they were not allowed to enter in to the feast.
So, I guess the big question is, “Is anyone listening today?”
Glen Beck shared a video where he was discussing warnings that America has received, but ignored. Can you talk about that video for us?
Since we talked last, there have been some major things happen in America. The most notable is the banking collapse. Share with us some information on the banking crisis and how that will lead to another housing crisis…
I just seen a news report in the last day or so that discussed banks are now losing money on mortgage loans. A lot of loans were locked in at 2-3% interest rates and the banks expenses are now exceeding that interest income from the loans. So is another housing crisis on the verge of killing what remains of our economy?
Mark Moss – Data Shows Why the Banking Collapse is Just Starting
I just seen a news report that China and Brazil have struck an agreement to stop trading with the US Dollar and to trade with the Chinese Yuan. Brazil is just the latest country to strike that kind of deal. Saudi Arabia also has a deal for oil like that. Have you seen information on this?
Mark Moss – The Dollar’s Reserve Status, What You Need to Know
Just last week, OPEC unexpectedly announced massive oil production cuts over 1 million barrels per day. They, basically thumbing their nose at Joe Biden’s efforts to have them produce more oil. Have you seen or heard anything about that?
Tom Donnan
Book - “This Room” – www.ZoeHealingCenter.com
Six free books can be found at: Home | Zoe Healing Center
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