Episode 824
Journey Into the Depths of God – Kim Patterson
Journey Into the Depths of God
Kim Patterson
Sometimes, even believers can be worn down by life’s circumstance. This is especially true in the day and time we find ourselves in right now. We’ve talked several times over this year about how important it is to “lean into” God in times like this. If you are one who sometimes feel like you are stuck in life, stuck in your walk with God, you will want to pay attention to today’s interview.
It is possible to have victory over any circumstance with God. And that includes the COVID pandemic, the resulting shutdowns and lockdowns, the closing of churches. This is the first time in the history of the United States where they have actually shut down churches. It’s shameful and disheartening. Throughout this nation’s history, if there was a public emergency, the churches is where people turned. But that was forbidden in this pandemic. So it is possible there are so many of you out there, right now, that are looking for direction from God.
Well, today’s guest has written a book that will help you do just that. Kim Patterson is a wife and mother who has also been a leader in her church for over 13 years as she has taught Bible studies and small groups. She has a passion for women’s ministries and discipleship. She is a graduate of the JFA School of Supernatural Ministry and the author of a great book which we will discuss today, “To the Thirsty – Journey Into the Depths of God.”
Help me welcome to the program, Kim Patterson! Kim, thank you for taking the time to join us today!
First question that I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, tell us in your own words, “Who is Kim Patterson?”
I know the generic answer this next question is “Christians.” But let’s get more specific. Who is the intended audience of this book?
I know you believe God inspired you to write this book. The question is, “How do you know?”
As you were preparing to write this book, you actually were seeking a partner, a friend, to help you with it. Tell us how you ended up tackling this project on your own…
How many other people knew you were writing this book?
You talk about “The well of God’s Presence.” What do you mean by that and how is this explained in your book?
What happens if you try to do these things (Temple, Worship, Wall) out of order?
You shared how we should stop reading the Bible to “learn something” and start reading it to “experience something.” Can you explain what it is you mean by that statement?
You share how this book basically outlines your Faith journey. How deep did you have to dig (excuse the pun about the well) to reach the “living water” of God for this book?
How can the person who reads your book understand how to dig their own well with God? Does everyone start at, what you call, the surface?
When someone starts to read your book, what’s the goal? What is it they should be striving for?
You shared how many people read the Bible and read about the disciples and think “How wonderful it must have been to have that kind of relationship with Jesus.” But you say WE can have that same kind of relationship today, right now. How does your book help us to accomplish that?
Folks, your relationship with God cannot but help to get better, deeper and more satisfying the deeper you go with God. Kim Patterson’s book, “To the Thirsty – Journey Into the Depths of God” is a book that will guide you to dig deeper into the Word and deeper into your relationship with God. This book was inspired by God to have Kim write this for “such a time as this.”
As I said at the beginning, in a day and time that has limited our ability to run to the church in a time of need, God is providing a way for you to come TO HIM. A way for you to draw closer to Him. A way for you to go deeper into His presence.
Go down into the show notes and click the link below. Order your copy of Kim Patterson’s great book, “To the Thirsty – Journey into the Depths of God” right now – while you are thinking about it.
In fact, at the time of this recording, you are probably starting your Christmas shopping and wondering what meaningful gift you could buy someone important to you. I would recommend you buy two, three or even four of Kim’s books right now. Give one to your pastor and others that you care about.
This is a book that can change someone’s destiny and have them draw closer and deeper into a relationship that truly matters. A relationship with the Creator of all things – who just happens to be our Heavenly Father! Amen!
Email: tothethirsty@gmail.com
Book: “To the Thirsty – Journey Into the Depths of God” on Amazon
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