Episode 821
Master Your Talk – Brenden Kumarasamy pt 2
Master Your Talk
Brenden Kumarasamy pt 1
Story telling is an art that everyone needs to master, but few do. Everyone has a story to tell. Think about it. At work, you tell stories to make a point. At home, you tell stories to make a point. At church, your pastor tells stories to make a point. Jesus told stories to make a point.
But, few people master the art of story telling. Now, you can take great forward strides, because my guest today helps people to do just that.
Many people struggle with the idea of speaking from a stage or on video. They worry about how they will look, how they will sound, what can they talk about?
Brenden Kumarasamy is the founder of Master talk, a YouTube series dedicated to the art of public speaking. Brenden believes anyone can become confident public speakers and storytellers. From students to CEO’s Brenden teaches you how to master your speeches, presentations and solicitations.
What if you are speaking on a topic that really is not that interesting? How can you make a memorable talk on something that could be perceived as boring?
Brenden, in the age of COVID, almost all conferences have moved online. I know several I was scheduled to speak at either were cancelled or moved to virtual conferences. I know you’ve had to experience this as well. How can we give a great presentation virtually, without the immediate feedback of the audience?
You are a YouTube expert and your videos are being watched by thousands of subscribers. How can we can master the art of speaking on camera effectively?
Should someone use scripts if doing a video presentation or making a video recording?
Brenden, this is all so fascinating. I could pick your brain for hours. You’ve definitely provided our listeners some great insights into public speaking…
I want close with this question, in a fitting way. How can we actually give a great close to our presentations? I’ve seen so many great presentations fall flat at the end. They give a call to action that doesn’t generate any action! How can we have a great close to our talks?
Folks, whether you realize it or not, you already are a public speaker. It may be at work and you are trying to communicate an idea to your boss or you’re the boss trying to communicate an idea to your subordinates. Either way, you are trying to influence someone to take action on information you just provided.
In ministry, in your home life – trying to get your kids to buy into an idea you are presenting to them…it is applicable in almost every aspect of life, not just public speaking from a stage.
Brenden Kumarasamy is the expert in this area. You need to go to the links down below in the show notes and get in touch with him. You absolutely MUST subscribe to his YouTube channel. I did. And I’ve learned so much just from his videos.
Email: kumarasamy.brenden@gmail.com
Website: https://mastertalk.ca/
YouTube Channel: Master Your Talk
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