Episode 778
MOB VI – Interview with a Seal Team Six Operator – Justin Sheffield pt 2
MOB 6 – Justin Sheffield pt 2
Senior Chief Petty Officer for Seal Team 6, author of the book MOB VI: A Seal Team Six Operator's Battles in the Fight for Good over Evil, where MOB VI is the official designation for Seal Team 6.
Senior Chief Sheffield has completed several hundreds of combat operations and enemy engagements in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia. He is a recipient of the Silver Star, 6 Bronze Stars with valor for actions in combat, a purple heart, and a host of other medals and commendations.
I’ve heard that the take down of a moving ship is the most dangerous operation SEAL’s do. Is that correct?
How has your Faith helped you do what needs to be done and protect you, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well?
In fact, you final chapter of your book, you lead your boys in the prayer of salvation and baptize them in the bath tub! Then closing the book, you list the scripture, quoting from Matthew 24 and the Book of the Revelation discussing the return of Jesus! I thought that was an absolutely fantastic way to close your book!
Tell us about the hostage rescue which, in your book, you call the “Number One Mission…” Why do you consider this the biggest mission you had?
Have you ever had any further contact with the woman you rescued?
Like many of our veterans, you struggled with PTSD and was in the process of actually taking your life, when your son and your wife walked in on you. I went down the same path, but for different reasons, back in 1992. The Lord supernaturally stopped me and I’ve been His ever since. Why did you open with this situation in your book?
You do a lot of work with Traumatic Brain Injury patients now through your foundation. How did you get involved with this and tell us about your “All Eagles Oscar” foundation?
How does your foundation work? Do other veterans reach out to you? Are people referred to you or do you seek them out?
If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or find out more information about you, your organization “All Eagles Oscar,” how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, I’ve read Justin’s book, “MOB 6” from cover to cover. If you ever wanted to get just a glimpse of what it is like to be a Navy Seal from the inside perspective, this book is for you. You will not be able to put it down. Just use the link below to order your copy today. In fact, you need to order two or three. We need to support Justin and other veterans just like him. And we need you to order this book and give to someone you know as a gift. It is that good!
I also want you to support the “All Eagles Oscar” foundation. This great organization relies on the generous donations of people like you to ensure that we can make a difference in the lives of our combat veterans. There is no more worthy cause than to assist our nation’s heroes in recovering from the physical and sometimes the “invisible injuries” they received defending our great nation and protecting the freedom we all so deeply cherish.
For more information on how to help, or to make a donation, please visit their website at www.alleaglesoscar.org.
Website: https://www.alleaglesoscar.org
Contact Justin / All Eagles Foundation: https://www.alleaglesoscar.org/contact
Twitter: @_Mob_VI
Book: MOB VI: A Seal Team Six Operator's Battles in the Fight for Good over Evil – On Amazon
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