Episode 1287
Our Emotional Intelligence - Jim Bloodsworth pt 2
Our Emotional Intelligence
Jim Bloodsworth pt 2
As Christians, we are called upon to be strong and courageous, and to persevere through trials and tribulations. However, even the strongest among us can struggle with our emotions, especially during times of difficulty. Low emotional fortitude can manifest itself in many different ways, such as anxiety, depression, anger, and low self-esteem. The good news is that there are several practical steps that Christians can take to strengthen their emotional fortitude and overcome these common issues.
And this is especially true for those of us who may not be “spring chickens” anymore. We don’t have time to be wasting on “trying” things. We want to provide for our senior years. We want to make sure we have enough to live on and enough to be a blessing to others as well…We want to make sure we are still around when we retire, to enjoy the fruit of our labor and not “leave it for the kids!” Amen!
Well, our guest today helps us to do just that!
Jim Bloodsworth is the founder of “JJ Seal Group, LLC” and “Abundant Boomers Club Fitness” and he is a certified “Health& Nutrition Life Coach.”
Back in October of 2021, he was already helping his clients to prepare for what we see today. He was sharing his outlook on what was coming in posts such as from his Facebook Group: “In the next six to twelve months (we will see) an economic tsunami. The housing market and stock market bubbles will burst in rapid succession…”
I think we can look back to the that quote and say, “It has come to pass…” Amen!
Jim helps his clients to improve in three main core areas: Physical Health; Mental Health and Financial Health. He is here with us today to give us an overview in these areas and to help you take the first initial steps at, not just surviving – but thriving, Amen!
This is part two of a great interview that I know you will get a lot of value from!
I know you discuss what is called, “The current emotional climatic divide.” Can you share what that is and how it impacts us?
How has the rise in social media contributed to these emotional problems?
We even have references to emotions on display in the scriptures. I can think of Moses being angry with the tribes and breaking the Ten Commandments; Jesus taking a whip and turning over tables in the Temple, etc. Would those types of emotional outbursts be considered “OK” as far as we are concerned?
Are we to rely upon ourselves to train ourselves to control our emotions?
What about discipleship? How does our personal emotions help or hinder our discipleship of others in the Body of Christ?
Jim, this has been so interesting. Can you share with our audience a way for them to reach out to you and see if you can help them in improving their “emotional fortitude?”
I’ll put links to all this down below in the show notes.
Folks, emotions are real. There is no need to hide our emotions – but we definitely need to learn how to control our emotions and not allow our emotions to control us! I highly recommend that you drop down into the show notes and click the links there to reach out to Jim Bloodsworth. Just get in touch and have a chat… Praise God! Find out how you can improve your life by learning to control and improve YOUR emotional fortitude. Amen!
Reach out to Jim Bloodsworth via email and receive the free infographic on Emotional Intelligence and his social media links!
Email: wjbloodsworth@gmail.com
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