Episode 844
Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life – Leslie Nafus pt 2
Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life
Leslie Nafus pt 1
If you are like many people right now, going through this COVID-19 situation, stuck at home… Some have lost their jobs. Many people are looking at starting their own careers rather than relying on others to provide them employment and income.
If that is something you have been considering, you have probably realized it is more than just telling people you are open for business. Whether it was a traditional business or an online business. You have to have a clear, concise plan in place. You have to be able to share your vision with others, usually in the form of advertising. If you are moving to an online environment, it is more important than ever to be able to communicate in written word through email marketing.
To navigate that successfully, you truly need a professional who can give you the guidance and perhaps help you with the writing aspect of ad copy, emails, etc. If you fail at this part, you are almost guaranteed to fail overall. That is how important copywriting is in the online world today.
My guest today has made it her mission in life to help folks just like you. Leslie Nafus is a certified coach and copywriter for Ray Edwards International. She is a life-long entrepreneur, professional copywriter, author, speaker, teacher, wife, and mom who helps women (and some discerning men) to become better entrepreneurs by teaching them the foundational skills they need to start and grow a successful business. She is also the founder of the 68:11 Collective and the author of a great book, an Amazon #1 International Best Seller, “Renew Your Mind, Transform Your Life,” available on Amazon as a Kindle book.
You have something you call your “One Million Woman Mandate?” What is that and how does it work?
As I briefly touched on in the opening, you help businesses to communicate, basically, their vision with their intended customers. How do you do this with someone that is reaching out to you for the first time? Walk us through some of the steps you use to “get to know” the other persons business so you are able to help them with their copywriting and grow their business…
You also discuss the five most important foundations to lay BEFORE someone begins a business. What would those five things be?
1 Mindset
2 Setting Foundational Vision
3 Activity Management
4 Know Yourself, Your Audience, Your Signature Product
5 The Right Sequence
In your book, “Renew Your Mind, Transform Your Life” – you outline four simple steps. Can you go over those four steps with us?
A-C-R-E Process
Step One? Arrest & Assess Your Thoughts
Step Two? Choose a New Thought
Step Three? Replace & Replant Your Thoughts
Step Four? Execute
And what comes after step four?
Do you have any plans of making your book a traditional book? Or will you just keep it as a Kindle?
Once you help someone with their launch or their copywriting for ads, etc. Do you have follow on services after their launch? How do you offer ongoing support and help?
Leslie, this is so interesting. And so needful. So many people, especially now in this environment, are turning online and the services you provide are needed more than ever.
Your book is available in a Kindle version on Amazon. I’ll put links down below in the show notes.
But, I have one more thing that I just have to ask you about. I found this as I was preparing for our interview and…well…Is it true you were approached to, basically, join a harem? Tell us about that experience…
Leslie, if someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask you a question or perhaps to do an interview like this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, even if you are not looking at starting a full time business or you may not have a full time business… in this day and time in which we live, many are looking at ways to supplement the family income. If that is you then you absolutely need to talk to Leslie. There is no need to stumble along on your own and learn what not to do by making mistake after mistake. Don’t waste that kind of time or money. Do it right the first time – saving you time AND money in the process. Amen.
And don’t forget to order you copy of Leslie’s book, “Renew Your Mind, Transform Your Life.” Use the link in the show notes to go directly to Amazon and order your copy today. Go down into the show notes and your copy right now, while you are thinking about it.
Email: Leslie@leslienafus.com
Website: https://www.leslienafus.com/
Book: Renew Your Mind, Transform Your Life – Kindle Version on Amazon
Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook: search for Leslie Nafus
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