Episode 1531
Sharpening the Spear – Richard Walsh pt 1
Published on:
26th June, 2024
Sharpening the Spear
Richard Walsh pt 1
When I started this ministry and knew it was going to be focused 100% online – I started searching high and low for a way to do it effectively, economically and easily… I had to go through many iterations that disproved ALL of those goals… it was not easy… it was definitely not economically easy and it most definitely was not effective… Amen! That is when I made the decision to hire a coach. Someone who has “Been there and done that.” Yes – it cost me some additional funds… but having someone actually tell you, “Don’t do that – save your money… do this instead…” That advice is priceless. Amen! Looking back over these last 14-15 years…I can attest to the true value of finding a coach who can guide down the path of whatever it is you are trying to do. Whether ministry, business, etc… whatever it is you are doing – you can be better. You can be more efficient. You can be more successful. You can impact more people. In the end – the price you pay up front for that type of guidance is, PRICELESS. Our guest today specializes in helping other entrepreneurs find those “immediate, problem solving results” and to build a strategic, long term implementation plan of systemization and scalability. Amen! Richard Walsh of “Sharpen the Spear Coaching” is here today to help us understand how to accomplish this. His program of growth focuses on something he calls, “Time Compression.” Using this information, Richard says he can save you almost 10 years of struggle and costly mistakes. Amen! Richard is also the author of the book, “Escape from the Owner Prison – The Contractors New Way to Scale, Regan Control and Fast Track Growth While Loving Life!” Amen! That sounds like something we all need… Praise God! To find out how – well, let’s welcome to the program, Richard Walsh! Richard, it is a blessing to have you join us today! The first question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell a bit about your background and “Who is Richard Walsh?” As I as sharing, when I first started out, life was rough. I had good intentions and thought I knew what to do…when I first went into ministry back in 1999, holding meetings, etc., the people, literally, stayed away by the thousands… there were some meetings in an 800 seat auditorium that had 8 or 9 people there… it was bad… starting on radio… back in 2009, a little better… but radio was a huge cash outlay with very little to show for it… You help people in starting their businesses. How often does someone come to you with, what they think, is a great idea…but they actually have no plan for success? How are you able to help them? It is not just having a “great idea” – but a way to deliver the product or services; a way to follow up with clients and potential clients, etc. It was not until we instituted a system into what we did that we began to see profitability. How important is systemization in what you do to help your clients? Folks, you may not be starting a business, but these strategies work in ministry as well. You may not be starting or operating a ministry – but they work in whatever it is you are trying to do. Amen! I highly, highly encourage you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Richard Walsh right now. Right now! Amen! Share this information with someone you know WHO IS starting a business. Help them to avoid the heartache and pain of falling into the trap of “doing it all yourself.” Amen! And be sure to click the link to order a copy of Richard’s book, “Escape from the Owner Prison” right now… amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:

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