Episode 1020
Spiritual House Cleaning - Tom Donnan pt 2
Published on:
31st December, 2021
Spiritual House Cleaning
2021 Year in Review
Tom Donnan pt 2
We are so blessed you are here, on December 31st 2021 – the end of the year episode! Praise God! You know, we all suffered through, stumbled through, the year 2020 and the COVID lockdowns, etc. We thought that the worst was behind us as we entered 2021 with the hope that we were past this. And, yes, 2021 has been better than 2020 in some respects. But, you know Pastor Bob, we don’t just look at things at face value. We like diving deep spiritually on topics that are affecting society today. Amen! And, to help me do that, I have invited a great friend of this ministry to come back on for two episodes. One to close out the year 2021 and part two to look prophetically at what we are seeing 2022 shaping up to be. Amen! Tom Donnan comes on, about once per month, to bring us up-to-date on things happening in this nation and around the world in the natural and how that relates to spiritual activity. Tom is an evangelist, author and a great friend of our ministry – help me welcome back to the program, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on and joining us today for this special, end of year broadcast! Let’s continue now, with what I’ll call – “The Year in Review!” We’ve talked about plagues, increase in earthquakes, increase in volcanic activity, droughts, locust plagues, bird flu, COVID variants – all of these things have INCREASED in activity this year! Drought Emergency: Wells Run Dry For Some In Central Valley - YouTube FOLSOM LAKE LOW WATER LEVEL - Drought exposes abandoned Gold Rush village - YouTube Water shortages up and down the Colorado River - YouTube Now, we are looking at hyper-inflation, supply shortages, credit freezes – and MORE! Did you see that come banks are tightening credit – even the FED has been trying to reassure us that inflation is under control? These banks don’t believe them and are starting to act on their own in tightening access to credit… CREDIT FREEZE BEGINS! Wells Fargo Shuts Down All Lines Of Credit: Defaults & Bankruptcies Coming - YouTube Shipping Containers That Spent Weeks Aboard Ships Stuck At Ports Now Being Dumped In Nearby Neighbor - YouTube And all of this leads us, basically, to proof that America has lost its “Hedge of Protection.” I think the first indication, which I called a “warning shot” at the time, was 9-11. Have you sensed that we’ve lost our hedge of protection? Folks, these are just SOME of the things that have happened in the year 2021. Tom just basically gave you a recap of some of the major things we discussed over the last year. Now, they sounded concerning when we actually talked about them on each podcast. But when you put them all together and realize all of these things are just the “tip of the spear” of what really went on in 2021 – well, it cannot but help you to understand these things are all discussed, in some form or fashion, what the Bible says will take place in the last days. Yes, they’ve all been happening since the Garden of Eden. But NEVER have they been happening all at once! I’ve come to call it a “congruence” of events. Amen! Tom is coming back TOMORROW, January 1st 2022 to discuss some things that are being set up to happen in the coming year! Tom, as we close this episode out, I want you to pray us out. Be sure to give an invitation to someone who wants to end this year in a true, victorious status. But pray us out. Out of the program and out of the year 2021. So, Tom, pray us out, please… Folks, that is all the time we have for today, December 31st, 2021. Be sure to come back for the next episode as we are going to do a Spiritual DIVE into 2022, for you. Amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:
For Tom Donnan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealingTheNationMinistries Healingthenation1776@gmail.com www.chataboutjesus.com Books On Amazon: Healing the Nation Spiritual House Cleaning Pastor and the Presence of God 7:14 Angels on Assignment One Door Between UsMentioned in this episode:
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