Episode 1273
Starve the Flesh - Judah Lupisella
Starve the Flesh – Judah Lupisella
God has a plan! That may be revolutionary to some of you listening right now… for others, not so much! But, did you know that God’s plan involves YOU.
You are an intricate part of His Plan. If you do not live up to your end of His Plan, somebody somewhere, will go to hell. Whose fault will it be if they go to hell simply because you refused to fulfill God’s Plan for your life?
I don’t know about you, but that is not a scenario or conversation I would like to have with God OR Jesus in the future… amen!
But there are many, many people – right now – living their lives as they want to, on their terms, fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and the desire of their eyes… totally ignoring what God would have them do.
That does not mean you have to be a preacher or pastor of a church or travel six thousand miles and live the rest of your life in a mud hut somewhere. Now, if that is what God has called you to do – then your time in that mud hut will be more of a blessing than you realize. But not everyone is called to do that.
However, EVERYONE is called to do SOMETHING. And that is what we will be talking about today… the difference between not doing something and actually DOING something… amen.
Our guest today, Judah Lupisella was living a life that could be described as a “destructive” lifestyle. And, when we make bad choices and bad decisions – usually bad things will be the result. This is what happened with Judah. I won’t get into the story, he will. But let’s just say that he suddenly had a “come to Jesus moment” that changed his life, his trajectory and his destiny – forever! Amen!
He and his wife Gabriella have their own ministry called, “American Revival Ministries,” based out of Jacksonville, Florida. Judah also recently published an excellent book titled, “Starve the Flesh.” This book achieved the rankings of #1 in the New Release Category and the #2 ranking of Best Seller, both on Amazon. Amen!
First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Judah Lupisella?”
Now, I alluded to some issues with your lifestyle way back when… can you tell us what was going on in your life and what finally brought you to your knees in front of Jesus?
What calling has the Lord put on your heart that had you launch your ministry?
Revival is definitely needed, more so now than at any other time in this nation’s history. How are you reaching out to promote your “American Revival Ministry” goal for “all people to know that all truly matters is Jesus?”
Share with us about your book, “Starve the Flesh.” Why did you write this book and why do you believe it is needful for this time right now?
Are there any more books in the wings that you are working on right now?
One of your goals is to “see revival come as the church is reawakened to its first Love.” Have you seen or participated yet in any of the college campus revivals that are sweeping the nation?
Speaking of your book, where can someone obtain a copy of “Starve the Flesh?” I know, since it won those two awards from Amazon, it must be on Amazon, correct?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, maybe to ask a question, invite you to speak or maybe even to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes below…
Folks, as I said in the beginning of this interview – every person is called to do SOMETHING for God. It may or may not be preaching the Gospel. It may or may not be writing a book. It may or may not involve formal ministry of any kind… BUT – every person IS called to DO something for God. You just need to seek Him and ask Him and find out what HE wants you to do.
I can guarantee you, His Plans work every time. But if you go off and try to “do your thing” and say it is in the Name of God or Jesus that you are doing it… you are NOT in the Will of God! Remember the parable of the two sons… Jesus said the Father asked one to go to the field and he said no… but then decided to go anyway. The others said, “sure, I’ll go now” but never went.. which son did the will of his Father?
Same thing here… you may say all the right things, thinking you’re in the Will of God… but if you never really DO the Will of God – you are not in right standing. Amen! Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good!
Anyway – drop down into the show notes and reach out and get in touch with Judah Lupisella right now, while you are thinking of it. Don’t let the devil tell you to “wait until later.” You know as well as I do that he will try to make you forget altogether. Just click the links and reach out right now. Amen!
And be sure to order his book, “Starve the Flesh.” Folk’s, this book is so needful for us in the day and time we live today. Just click the link right there in the show notes and purchase your book today.
Email: info@godsarm.org
Website: https://www.godsarm.org/
Book: “Starve the Flesh”- on Amazon
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