Episode 1278
Strength of the Oak - Andrew Anderson
Strength of the Oak
Andrew Anderson
We’ve all had rough times in our past. Times when it seemed like the entire world was collapsing around us. Times when, no matter how hard we tried, somehow, someway, we always came out on the losing end. Everyone has had those life experiences. If you’ve listened to this program any length of time, you’ve heard my back story…
Our guest today faced the same set of circumstances. He lost it all, family, work, savings – all of it. But, at that moment in time, he made a decision. That one quality decision started him on the path he is on now – helping others to learn to make that type of quality decision.
Andrew Anderson is now an author, speaker, trainer and community and spiritual leader. He has helped hundreds of is clients to break through their limiting beliefs and transform their lives and their businesses. He lives his life with a daily mandate to influence as many as possible to live a higher level of life and spiritual strength.
He is the author of a fabulous book titled, “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow – How to Find Courage & Compassion in a Turbulent World.”
Help me welcome to the program, Andrew Anderson! Andrew, it is a blessing to finally have you on the program, brother! I appreciate your time today!
First question I always ask is this: Other than that brief in information I just shared, can tell us in your own words, “Who is Andrew Anderson?”
What was life like for you when you hit rock bottom?
How did you find your way to implement the steps you share in your book, “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow?”
Why did you write this book and why at this point in your life?
In your book, “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow,” you talk about coming up with your “Life Mission Statement.” Can you explain the importance of this for us?
You discuss there are six key areas of life that lead us to fulfillment. Can you briefly share with us those six areas and the importance they hold?
What is the “Rat Park” exercise which you discuss in your book?
I know there is someone listening to us today that feels like they have already heard all the “rah-rah” self-help books and classes. How is your book different?
What do you say to someone who may feel like they are just stuck where they are at? They feel like they’ve tried to improve before and failed.. so what’s the use?
Do you do personal mentoring outside of the book? Classes, coaching programs, etc.?
As you were developing this, what was one of the major obstacles you faced in creating this program?
Why does this program work so well? What makes it different from other programs out there?
How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow?”
Is it on Amazon?
Andrew, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or receive more information, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all this in the show notes below.
Folks, as you just heard, Andrew Anderson has put together this helpful book with sole purpose of helping you to change the way you look at life. Change the way you handle obstacles that try to trip you up. Change the way you’ve been living from failure to failure and turn you on the path from success to success.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried other “Self-help” programs before. If they let you down, what do you have to lose to give Andrew’s program a chance to prove itself to you! On Andrew’s website, I read that “Countless coaching clients have come into his program after trying everything…and those same people had profound breakthroughs.” Why? Because the went “all in, one more time.”
You can do the same thing, right now.
Drop down into the show notes and click the link right there. Check out Andrews book: “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow – How to Find Courage & Compassion in a Turbulent World.” Click the link below, go to his website, take a look around. Check out the testimonials. Reach and ask a question. Praise God! That’s what those links are for! Amen!
Email: Andrew@AndrewLAnderson.com
Website: https://www.andrewlanderson.com/
Book: “Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow” – on Amazon
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