Episode 593
Stretch, Succeed and Soar – Denise Farquharson pt 1
Stretch, Succeed and Soar – Denise Farquharson pt 1
Do you have a dream? A goal so far out there that people think it is impossible for your to achieve? How does that relate to your Faith? It could be, your Faith will help you to achieve the impossible, even when those around around say it will never happen!
Denise Farquharson helps Christian women, especially those in the Corporate world, achieve what others say is impossible. Denise says, “If you desire to achieve something in life, don’t just talk about it. Life is too short to think about it, just get on and do it.” And her website, http://denisefarquharson.com will tell you how to just that.
Denise is an author, Christian conference speaker, successful corporate woman herself, with careers in rail, health, construction, IT and automotive areas. She is a mother of three and lives in the Midlands in the United Kingdom with her husband and three grown children. She is here to help you achieve your dreams and goals by learning how to Stretch, Succeed and Soar!
Help me welcome to the program, Denise Farquharson! Denise, thank you for the time out of your busy schedule to come on the program today!
I love your website! It has, what’s the word? A lot of energy can be seen! I love that!
Denise, the first question I always start with is this. Other than that short intro I just gave, in your own words, tell us, “Who is Denise Farquharson?”
You collapsed on the stage? Was this in the middle of a presentation?
How did your Faith help you through that time?
Let’s talk about some of your corporate success. You must have faced some difficult things as you were working in the Corporate business world. You learned to overcome and become successful. When did you realize you had a gift of helping others to work through problems in the work environment as well?
I know, from my own business experiences, that once a goal, promotion or whatever is achieved, we are never satisfied. It seems like we immediately start looking and working for “what’s next.” Do you encounter that a lot with the people you help?
How were you able to balance motherhood, family and Faith with corporate responsibility? How did you do that?
Give us some of the challenges that women, especially Christian women, are facing in the Corporate world today?
How should a Christian woman handle something at work that just doesn’t sit right with her Faith? I’m talking about possibly a work place policy or situation that she is expected to put herself into for the sake of the company. How should, really anyone, handle that?
What if they were to lose their job because of their stance?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, have you come speak or to sign up for your coaching program, how can they do that? How can someone contact you?
Folks, you need to get in touch with Denise Farquharson. Even if you are not a corporate woman, you know someone who is! And if you are a woman who needs to possibly get the confidence to move forward in your career, even if it is not the corporate world, Denise is can help you. Her coaching program, the Facebook group, it is all designed to do one thing. That is to help you. She has made a career out of helping someone just like you. The testimonies on her LinkedIn profile are astounding.
Email: denise@denisefarquharson.com
Website: http://denisefarquharson.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-farquharson-6b16768/
Facebook Group: Corporate Christian Women Together
Dreams, Goals and Plans Book on Amazon
The post Stretch, Succeed and Soar – Denise Farquharson pt 1 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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