Episode 648
Suicide Prevention and Comedy – Frank King pt 1
Suicide Prevention and Comedy
Frank King pt 1
Frank King, aka The Mental Health Comedian, is a Suicide Prevention and Postvention Public Speaker and Trainer who turned a lifelong battle with depression into a keynote worth sharing. After writing for the “Tonight Show for over 20 years, Frank turned his mission to and effort to end the stigma surrounding mental health by share his insights with anyone and everyone who will listen. And he openly addresses the topic of suicide which has been considered taboo in today’s society. Although there is an awareness factor that is taking shape now.
In an effort to “start the conversation,” Frank uses comedy. Not a “let’s laugh it off” comedy. But stories from his own past. His own experiences. He addresses his own trials and tribulations using a tool people from all walks of life can relate to, humor. By using comedy, he lets others know that they are not alone. In fact, that is one reason I was interested in talking with Frank and reached out to him on LinkedIn. If you’ve been listening to my program for awhile, you’ve heard my story of how I was within hours of ending my own life 25 years ago.
Frank has thought about killing himself more times than he can count. Like many of us, depression and suicide run in his family. With his TED Talk "A Matter of Life or Death” he openly addresses this topic and I recommend you view it. He is also a podcaster, co-hosting the “Suicide Prevention Punchline” available at www.suicidepreventionpunchline.com
Help me welcome to the program, Frank King. Frank, thank you for taking the time to come on the podcast today.
Ok, other than that short intro I gave, tell us in your own words, “Who is Frank King?”
I guess we need to start with “Why?”
Why comedy to discuss such a sensitive topic?
I can only imagine some of the questions you get concerning using comedy. As you are approached for key note speeches, etc., what are some of the concerns organizers have expressed?
As we discussed in our prior conversation, many people think they are alone in their thoughts about suicide. Some times for reasons that would make no sense to anyone else. But you are able to bridge that divide and let them know they are not alone. What are some of the comments you have received after your speeches?
Website: www.thementalhealthcomedian.com
Podcast: www.suicidepreventionpunchline.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankkingthemhcomedian/
Book: www.gutsgritgrind.com
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 Option 1
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