Episode 1054
The Beauty in Us – Nelson Brown pt 1
Published on:
7th March, 2022
The Beauty In Us
Nelson Brown pt 1
We live in a world that is often very harsh, critical and often shaped by “first impressions.” You will often hear others, or may even say yourself from time to time, “She looks like a nice person.” Or, “He looks mean.” My guest today is Nelson Brown, and he has experienced these things first hand while growing up. Nelson has been on our show in the past a few times, as he was releasing his first book, “The Beauty In Us: Our Reality.” If you missed any of Nelson’s prior interviews, just look him up in the archives search feature. Amen! Nelson is young black man that loves the Lord and he really has a lot of great things going on in his life! Amen! He is on a journey to help boys and girls, men and women, to discover who they are and how beautiful they truly are. In his books, he speaks on behalf of all the men and young boys located in communities around the world who are afraid to speak up for themselves. He is also willing to show women and young girls how males carry their insecurities with them each and every day and how they tend to suppress those insecurities in public. Nelson Brown is a small group facilitator and an award winning author who has released three books in the series, “The Beauty In Us” so far and he is working on the fourth as we speak! Praise God! Nelson is the host of “The Beauty In Us Radio Show” that airs every Tuesday evening from 6-7pm ET on the “Awesome God Radio” network. This show gives young black men a voice on subjects that matter to them. For those that may not have heard our prior interviews, it’s been a couple of years, other than that brief information I just shared, tell us in your own words, “Who is Nelson Brown?” The last time we talked, you were in Community College. I think I seen where you had graduated, tell us about that and what you are doing now? In our last interview, just to catch people up on what we were talking about, you discussed “Male Body Dysmorphia.” What is that and how does it relate to your books and to what you have been doing? I remember we were supposed to do a book signing at the community college together and then it was cancelled due to the pandemic. Have you been able to get any book signings in since all of this started? Congratulations on the radio program! How do you like being a radio host? How long have you been doing radio now? The radio program is based off of your book series. Tell us the format and what the discussions are like… You also discuss problems in the health care industry on your show. Tell us a little about what those discussion have centered around for your audience? How about education. I know Baltimore City has been under a huge microscope these last several years around the failing public schooling system. What kind of discussions have you had with others that were addressing those issues? Folks, I’ve known Nelson now for, I think it’s going on three of four years now, brother! Praise God. He’s been consistent. He’s been working for the Kingdom since I’ve known him and even before. His books are awesome and I want to encourage you get your copies of each of his books today. I know you know someone who will be blessed by Nelson’s book series, “The Beauty In Us.”CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: brownnelsone@gmail.com “Awesome God Radio” - https://www.awesomegodradio.com/ Books on Amazon: Book1 : The Beauty In Us: Our Reality” – On Amazon Book 2: “The Beauty In Us: Vulnerable Masculinity” – On Amazon Book 3: “The Beauty In Us: Our Souls in Armor” – on AmazonMentioned in this episode:
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