Episode 1078
The Birth Pangs Intensify - Tom Donnan pt 1
The Birth Pangs Intensify
Tom Donnan pt 1
I have guests come on this program all of the time. I do between 3 and 5 and sometimes 6 interviews each week. I’ve noticed recently that many guests are discussing the end time, the Book of Revelation and / or things happening in this world.
There is a Spiritual awakening happening in the Body of Christ right now – that the Day of the Lord is at hand.
For some, they deny such things. They blame it all on “Climate Change.” Or, Russia and China. Some blame still blame Donald Trump.
But for believers, true believers, they don’t blame anyone but the devil. Praise God.
I’m telling people, almost on a daily basis, that NONE of these things worry me. Not one. Not inflation. Not COVID. Not wars. Not crime in the streets. Why? Because I see prophecy coming to pass right before my eyes. And I know how it all turns out. Praise God! Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good!
Yes, I’m not going to lie. It does “concern” me. But my hope rests, completely, in Jesus. Amen
Our good friend, Tom Donnan, is back today to discuss more things that deal with all of these same issues. The Lord shares these things with Tom through dreams and visions and he is back today to share some recent things the Lord has shown to him. And how they are coming to pass, not at some point in the future – but right now, every single night – on television. Praise God.
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan!
Tom, thanks for taking the time to come back on and visit. I do appreciate it!
Over the last two years we have talked about our need to be on the strong foundation of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-27). The question now is, is there time left to build that type of strong foundation in our relationship with Jesus?
You recently had a warning dream of earthquakes, shaking and chaos. Can you share somethings with us from that dream?
There are a few main points to the first dream:
- A strong shaking is coming.
- Some households will be swallowed up in the shaking.
- As with earthquakes, there are many shockwaves.
- Those having a strong foundation on Jesus do well
Second dream points
- Cell phones/communications are down.
- There is a need for warm clothing
- Emerging from the safety of our foundation is a flood of confused people.
- I heard a voice say to me, “Time to separate yourself!”
Tom, if someone wants to get in touch with you, order your books, etc., how can they do that?
I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes below.
Folks, there is no doubt we are living on the edge of Eternity right now. What you do, what you do not do, will have eternal consequences. Do not hesitate. Do not brush this off as two old guys just talking. This is real. This is decisive.CONTACT INFORMATION:
Tom Donnan - Healingthenation1776@gmail.com
Six free books can be found at: Home | Zoe Healing Center
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