Episode 1039
The Christian Case for Bitcoin – Patrick Melder pt 1
Published on:
31st January, 2022
The Christian Case for Bitcoin
Patrick Melder pt 1
There is no doubt that crypto-currency is here to stay. In fact, it is taken so serious by the United States Government, they are now requiring tax payers to declare if you are investing in Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies so they can get their share of your earnings! You often hear of how crypto-currencies are going to undermine the financial systems and how they are used on the dark web and things like that. And, though some of that may be true, for the vast majority of people, it is simply a way to invest in something that, for lack of a better term, does not involve “fiat currency” – which is what the US Dollar is based on. To explain how Christian ministries and Christians in general, can use Bitcoin to help establish, maintain and protect ministry operations – and our own personal finances, I’ve invited back to the program, Dr. Patrick Melder. Dr. Melder was on the show a few weeks ago as we discussed “Bitcoin for Churches.” His book, “The Christian Case for Bitcoin”was set for publication and we did discuss his book in the overall conversation. But I believe this information is so pivotal in our society and culture today, I wanted him to come back on and just do a deep dive into this book for you. Amen! Dr. Patrick Melder was a US Army doctor for 13 years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC as well as a private practice Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon after serving in the military. He holds over 30 US and international patents and is passionate about the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth… He also hosts a weekly podcast: “Mission:Bitcoin,” which is an interview podcast focusing on Bitcoin and Christianity, exploring Christian responsibility in adopting Bitcoin; How Bitcoin helps Christians align with God’s plan; and How Bitcoin can be used in Christian Missions. Help me welcome back to the program, Dr. Patrick Melder. Patrick, thank you for coming back on to discuss your great book today! I appreciate it! Let’s start with a quick recap for those that may not have heard our prior interviews. In fact, folks, if you missed those episodes, just scroll down on our podcast archives to episodes 1016, 1017, 1018 – we had a three part interview and it was just off the charts. Amen! But, Patrick, tell us how and why you first became interested in studying about Bitcoin… Can you explain for us why the current financial system is in jeopardy? I’ve seen reports that one of the reasons President Nixon took us off the gold standard was because French President Charles De Gaul started exchanging the US Dollars that were being distributed to his country directly for gold. Then other countries started doing the same. In your book, you state, “In order to understand the implications of Bitcoin, we must understand what money is, how it has been manipulated for millennia, how it is manipulated now and how all of this affects Christians.” But, we see the government borrowing money and with all of the “buy now and pay later” opportunities, it seems like debt is just a natural part of life today. But it is not supposed to be that way. The Bible is very clear that the “borrow is servant to the lender.” So debt is actually a form of slavery, right? But our government is running up debt like it’s going out of style. If they run out, they just print more. And it says right on the dollar bills, “Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America.” With all of the increasing debt we see happening, if this was a business or individual households, we’d be declaring bankruptcy and starting over, right? Will that end up being the fate of the dollar? I think we seen this type of thing happen a few years ago in Venezuela, right? We know money is needful in society, for buying, selling, etc. But how does God view money as compared to how man views money? In your book, you compare the acceptance of Bitcoin to the printing press. Can you explain how that is a valid comparison? Folks, as I said last time, crypto-currency is no longer just a fad. It is real. It is something, as you heard Patrick Melder discuss, could be used by Christians, not if, but WHEN a financial collapse happens. Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Listen to the Patrick’s podcast, “Mission:Bitcoin” as well. It is just full of information. Amen! And be sure to order his great book, “The Christian Case for Bitcoin” that we, really just highlighted some parts of it today. You need to get this book as one of your Christian resources and use it to guide you into understanding how Bitcoin can be used by Christian ministries and by Christians individually.CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: pmelder@mac.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/mission21m Twitter: https://twitter.com/entsurg Podcast: https://mission-bitcoin.captivate.fm Book: “The Christian Case for Bitcoin” – on Amazon Information on your own BitCoin Account: https://Swanbitcoin.com/mission21m Fold App (earn free BitCoin with everyday purchases)Mentioned in this episode:
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