Episode 1267
The Final Battle for Earth Has Begun – Trinity Royal pt 1
The Final Battle for Earth Has Begun – Trinity Royal pt 1
When it comes to our collective purpose for being on this earth, there are many varying points of view. They range from “God created it all and wants us to own it” to “We lost it all and God has to get it back” – and then everything in between those to views.
As Christians, we are brought up to study the Bible, believe it is the inspired Word of God and that it is 100% accurate and it details, what we call, the “Battle between good and evil” in a very clear light.
If there are areas we don’t understand, it is meant for us to search out the Truth. Or maybe we just are not supposed to understand it in our day and time – but humans will at some point in the future.
Most of you know that I’m an avid reader. I read dozens of books a year. They range from ministry related books to business, motivation and other things. But one thing I am absolutely, 100% steadfast on, is the accuracy of the Bible.
That being said, there are things I do not understand. And I’m not alone in that category.
Think about the Azusa Street Revivals. People in that era did not understand what was happening, but we – looking back – can see what God was doing.
When the prophet said that Israel would be resurrected at some point in the future and that it would happen in just one day, he even questioned what the Holy Spirit showed him. He said, “Is it possible for a nation to be born in one day?” Today, we look back to May 28, 1945 as the “rebirth of the nation of Israel” and it all makes sense.
I said all of that, because some of you may question what you are about to hear today. I understand that. But what I’m presenting to you today, through our guest and her book, “Christ vs Satan – the Final Battle for Earth has Begun,” my shock some of you. It may confuse some of you. It may actually INSPIRE some of you! Praise God.
You see, it’s not up to me, nor my guest,Trinity Royal. This book is written, as I seen from some of the reviews, in the style of “The Matrix.” But from a Biblical perspective (I guess you could say). In fact he describes this as “The Real Matrix!” Praise God!
What does that mean? It means there is a layer of reality that we do not see. A layer we usually do not even perceive. But it is there. I’ve believed that all of my Christian life. Think about Angels? You usually do not notice their presence, but the Bible is clear each of us has an angel that is with us at all times. Not only is our angel with us at all times, Jesus said, “they are always before the Father in Heaven” as well.
Can we explain that? Not in human words… but yet we believe it by Faith.
That is what I’m getting to. I usually do not give this long of an introduction to an interview, but I wanted to make sure you understand the importance of our topic today and the importance of the context of this book, “Christ vs Satan – the Final Battle for Earth has Begun,” which we will be discussing today.
That being said, help me welcome to the program, Trinity Royal! Thank you for joining us today.
The first question I always start with is this. Other than that brief introduction about our topic today, can you tell us in your own words about YOU. “Who is Trinity Royal?
How did you get started studying this aspect of Christianity?
Let’s start, at the beginning, as they say. Tell us about the origins, as you see it, about the “war in Heaven” which is called the “Lucifer Rebellion…”
Didn’t Jesus say He seen Satan fall like lightning from Heaven? Is that when the battle moved from Heaven to earth?
Why are humans being used as pawns in the war?
I understand WHY God wants our souls – we are His Children. But why does Satan want our souls? Is it only to wave in God’s face?
We believe Jesus came to earth the first time to pay the penalty for sin. There had to be penalty because God is a Righteous God. He demands justice. So there had to be penalty, a sacrifice. And it had to be God as man came from God – woman came from man (his side) – from that point on, every man (human) came from a woman – and to complete the circle of life – that means the sacrifice for man’s sin also had to come from a woman. So God had to come from a woman (and did). Then, that man had to return to God (representing our return to God).
But how do you cover this in your book? Why did Christ come to earth at the first coming?
You just mentioned the “matrix” of Satan’s prison, etc. Please share with us your concept of the “matrix” in regards to that?
Folks, as I shared in the beginning, the war that Trinity Royal is discussing is real. It has been raging for eons of time. Whether you believe it or not does not matter. Whether you deny it or not does not matter. Whether you try to understand it or not – THAT matters. Amen!
I urge you to drop down into the show notes and order your copy of “Christ vs Satan – the Final Battle for Earth has Begun,” right now, while you are thinking about it. You know as well as I do, that if it is important, Satan will try to distract you and tell you “do it later.” Don’t listen! Order it right now, while you are here and thinking about it.
Email: skroyals777@gmail.com
Book: “Christ vs Satan: The Final Battle for Earth Has Begun” – on Amazon
Book: “The Real Matrix - “Christ vs Satan: The Second Coming of Christ” – on Amazon
FREE OFFER: Book – “Son of Man Becomes Son of God”
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