Episode 1214
The God Walk App – Daniel Krynzel pt 2
The God Walk App
Daniel Krynzel pt 2
How many of you remember the prosperous times when the housing market was soaring; when it seemed like no matter what you did, you could make money. Many, many businesses were started and becoming successful. Housing areas were being built all over the place.
Then, the housing market crashed – and crashed hard – in 2008. And everything else went with it. There were so many people and businesses tied to the ever increasing housing market crashed along with the market.
Overnight, once prosperous businesses were now facing bankruptcy.
This led to further problems. Alcoholism, divorces, as we said, bankruptcy. It was not a good time. For some, it was only their connect to God that allowed them to endure. For others, it was time to draw nearer to God in order to survive. For still others, it was a time to search for God because there was nowhere else to turn…
Do you remember those days? Are we about to return to those days as we face an ever mounting national debt, hyper-inflation and businesses, once again, unable to keep up?
My guest today found the answer for his trials during the last housing market crash in 2008.
Daniel Krynzel lost everything in the crash of 2008. Everything. He lost the house, the cars, the toys, the money and also, custody of his children. He lost it all… As many do, alcoholism also entered the scene… I know, I’ve been there too.
But Daniel started to take long walks just to fellowship with God. He soon found he was getting Godly inspiration on these walks that felt like direct downloads from God with instructions on what he was to do next. And he continued to be blessed and he continued to take his “walks with God.”
He now continues to wake up every morning and head out for his “God Walk.” He comes back energized, refreshed and knows exactly what he needs to do that day because of the inspiring actions he received from his “God Walk.”
Daniel is here today to share about his story about his “God Walk App” and the “Men of God Program” he has started. This is part two of an amazing two part interview!
Daniel, you asked God about three areas: Financial Purpose; Body and Health; Relationships and Family.
You share that men are to lead their families. That men are meant to lead and the women are meant to follow. I agree, because that is what the Bible says. How is your message being received in this type of societal culture today?
Share with us about the “GodWalk App” and how it came about?
How long did it take for you to realize this was something that needed to be done consistently?
How can men get the answers that they are looking for concerning their business, their own physical fitness and in their relationships? Does the GodWalk App help with that?
How long are the average walks with the GodWalk App?
There is a subscription for the app. What do they receive when they sign up for the subscription?
What types of reports have you received from men that have participated in this app?
Tell us about your coaching program? It’s called “Men of God,” correct?
Daniel, this is so interesting. I feel like I could keep asking questions for hours…
How can someone find out more information on the “GodWalk App” or your program “Men of God” or how can they get in touch with you if they have some questions?
I’ll put links to all this in the show notes below.
Folks, Daniel Krynzel has seen both ends of the spectrum. Extreme success and slide all the way down to extreme failure. From having it all – to losing it all. Including his family.
But God – I love that phrase – “BUT GOD!” Amen!
But God was not finished with him. God picked him up and turned him around as some church folk I know say… amen!
Now, Daniel is an inspiration to other men. They may or may not be going through the turmoil God brought him through, but God is using him to help men become closer to God and – achieving a level of success they never thought possible.
I urge you to drop down into the show notes and get in touch with Daniel. Get his App, “God Walk” and check out his mentoring and coaching program, “Men of God.” Amen!
What is the worst that can happen? You get closer to God. Praise God! Amen! That’s exciting just to say it! Amen! I’m on fire and I know you are, too! Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there!
Email: Rosekrynzel@gmail.com
Website: https://www.godspeedwithdaniel.com/
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