Episode 1011
The High Call of Forgiveness - Rosemarie Downer
Published on:
17th December, 2021
The High Call of Forgiveness
Dr. Rosemarie Downer
Most Christians should be familiar with the scripture, “we have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” But what does that mean? Without going into the deep, “spiritual applications,” let’s just say – you, me and everyone else sins each and every day. If you just said, “not me” – you just sinned. You just committed a lie and that is a sin! Praise God – Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good! Amen! But, seriously, if every person sins – and they do so every single day, in some way, form or fashion, then we have fallen short of the Glory of God and need forgiveness. And, sometimes, we sin against others in the process. It might be something we say or do; it could be something we fail to do or say. It might be – well, there are boundless opportunities to sin each and every day. Along with US sinning against others all day long, there are others who do things to us as well. And one of the most dangerous areas we can move into is the sin of “unforgiveness.” If we fail to forgive someone when they sin against, as the Lord’s prayer implies, “this will stop us from receiving our forgiveness as well.” Forgiveness is the central core of the Bible and all that Jesus accomplished at the cross. That is what we need to share with as many people as possible. Amen! Well, that is what our guest today is all about. Dr. Rosemarie Downer is a Christian non-fiction author who has written several books over these last few year. Dr. Downer served with the US Dept. of Agriculture as a social science researcher for over 20 years and as an adjunct professor for Bowie State University for 24 years. She is now retired from both positions and has dedicated herself to doing what she has always dreamed of doing – writing books that edify the Body of Christ! Amen! Her most recent book is titled, “The High Call of Forgiveness: It’s a Mandate” and that is what we will be discussing today. This book, “The High Call of Forgiveness: It’s a Mandate,” is actually a “re-release” of the book for 2015, right? Why is that? As followers of Christ, we are REQUIRED by God to forgive. That’s why you call it a “mandate?” Just that word, “mandate.” That is not a “do this if you feel like it” type of word. It is a command, correct? Just like the vaccination MANDATES. It’s not an option. It’s not a “do this if you want to” type of thing. And we are required to actually “forgive others as we have been forgiven.” Another way of looking at this would be, if we take the bible literally, (which we should), if we do not forgive those who offended us, we will not be forgiven for our sins which offend God, right? Why this book is needed now for this day and time? Now the situation you referenced and I don’t want to get into the details, but this is where the book had its roots. Were you struggling through this and this book, basically, details the steps you went through for forgiveness? How does your book lead the reader through to that conclusion in their own situation? Folks, unforgiveness can keep you bound up and unable to move forward. And, I would venture to say, something you are holding in your heart because of what someone said or did to you – is hurting YOU more than it is hurting the other person. I’ve seen where someone was walking in unforgiveness for years over something someone said or did. That other person had gone on with their life and had no idea this person was still holding that grudge from years before. Sometimes you’ll hear quips like, “I can forgive the sin but not the sinner” or things like that. Why do so many believers struggle with obeying the command to “forgive others as I have forgiven you?” And you said this book has a study guide and a leaders guide that goes along with it, correct? What type of settings would this book work best? Bible Study Class? Women’s Group or what? How would the leaders of these groups benefit from the Leaders Guide version of this book? Rosemarie, this has been a fascinating interview. How can someone obtain a copy of your book “The High Call of Forgiveness: It’s a Mandate,”? Is it on Amazon? If someone can someone get in touch with you? Maybe they have a question or perhaps would like to do an interview such as this. How can they do that? How can they get in touch with you? I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes. As Rosemarie has detailed here, on the interview, and in her great book, “The High Call of Forgiveness: It’s a Mandate,” you need to learn to forgive. It’s not just a suggestion – it is a command! A MANDATE from God. Amen! Go down into the show notes and get in touch with Rosemarie today. Just go down and click the links there. And be sure to order your copy of her great book, “The High Call of Forgiveness: It’s a Mandate.” In fact, you need to order two or three copies. Use them in your book club, in your bible study class. Pass them out to someone you know that is holding a grudge against someone. This book could be the influence they need to move on. To forgive. It’s not a suggestion – it’s a mandate! Amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:
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