Episode 1073
The Last Christian - Joel Williams pt 2
The Last Christian
Joel Williams pt 2
Joel Williams was raised in a Christian home and attended church faithfully, as his parents were active participants in the church. At age 16, he decided enough was enough, he believed he was saved and figured he could go it alone now. Well, needless to say, his life was not one of sunshine and roses…
But that is all behind him now and he is serving the Lord by sharing the "Good News" of the Gospel far and wide...Joel Williams is the founder of “The Last Christian Podcast” – the Bible versus the world in Prophesy. He is also preparing to have his own radio program on Evangelism Radio at evangelismradio.com as well.
Today is part two of a great two part interview!Joel Williams and Pastor Bob discuss the ultimate question: “If you died tonight, would you go to Heaven”…
Something happened that led you to “try church” again. Can you share what happened and how it affected your outlook on life – and death?
When you were born again, from what I’ve read, you jumped right into serving the Lord through the church you were attending. Tell us about that time in your life…
You were remarried then?
The Lord has blessed you with being able to start reconnecting with your children. But the Lord has also blessed you with being able to raise two grandchildren now. What are your thoughts on having this “second chance” at child raising?
In what you shared with me in preparation for today’s interview, you said, “The problem was too easy to see. YOU were deciding your path and not asking the Lord of direction.”
That is the exact same thing I discovered through my life, up until I was facing medical retirement from law enforcement. Just like you, I sought the Lord’s input and He gave me the “OK” to let that career go and just follow His lead.
Now, for me, it was “Begin your own, weekly, 30 minute online radio program.” Today, they call that a podcast, but I had no idea what it was. I was not technically inclined – in fact, I had to have help checking email. That is the God’s honest truth! But, looking back over the last 11 years, I can see how the Lord has moved me, one step at a time, into where we are at right now with our ministry and are able to bless others and help them to “Get the Word Out” through online media sources.
Tell us about your walk down this path and how you were led to start your own podcast and what doors have been open for you?
Joel, there can be no doubt for anyone who has half a brain, in my opinion, that we living in the last minutes of the last days as depicted in the Bible. World events are beginning to line EXACTLY like the Bible says they will be just before the Rapture takes place. What are your thoughts on this day and time in which we live?
How does your podcast, “The Last Christian” help in sharing this “Good News” (Good News for believers – not so good for non-believers)?
Let me ask you this… I see Ezekiel 38 beginning to come to pass right now. What do you believe will occur first, the destruction of Damascus or the Rapture? And why?
In addition to your podcast, we are going to be helping you reach the world with the Gospel through your own LIVE radio program on Evangelism Radio. We will be starting that program very, very soon – at the time of this recording. In fact, folks, you may be able to catch Joel Williams on the radio at the time this interview is published – Praise God!
Joel, if I’m not mistaken, your program will be aired LIVE every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 830pm to 9pm ET, correct?
What about your podcast? How can someone listen to that program?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, etc., how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you and find out more information on all that you have going on?
I’ll put links to all of that down in the show notes below…
Folks, it never ceases to amaze me how the Lord will take someone from the depths of despair, their life broken and seemingly going nowhere fast – and then use them for His Glory once they come to realize that cannot do it on their own any longer.
I lived that life. Joel Williams lived that life. You’ve heard others on this program sharing how they lived that life. Joel and I are here to tell you that you don’t have to go through the heartache and hardship to come to the place where the Lord can use you. All you have to do is seek His face, repent of your sins and give your heart to Jesus…
In fact, Joel, if someone listening to us right now is being moved in that direction, would you do the honor of leading them to the Lord’s throne of Grace and Mercy right now?
Folks, if you prayed that prayer with Joel Williams, reach out let him know! Use the links down below to get in touch with Joel, to listen to the podcast and be sure to tune in to EvangelismRadio.com from 830pm to 9pm ET on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to be blessed by Joel Williams podcast, “The Last Christian Podcast.” Amen! Just use the links down below.
Email: jdwilliams@lastchristian.net
Website: https://www.lastchristian.net/
Podcast: https://www.lastchristian.net/podcast
Join us every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 830-9pm ET: www.EvangelismRadio.com
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