Episode 1280
The Lion Within Us – Chris Grainger pt 2
The Lion Within Us
Chris Grainger pt 2
As believers, we have been taught about the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” We know, from reading our Bibles and from Sunday School and from sermons, that this is referring to Jesus. And that is the Truth. Amen!
We are also familiar with the fact that, for born again believers, we have Christ IN US – the Hope of Glory! Amen!
Well, if we have Jesus IN US…that means HE is with us everywhere we go, correct? No matter the situation, good or bad – HE is with us. HE is in us!
And, if you truly believe that, then that means the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” IS WITHIN YOU at all times! Praise God! Amen!
That means, when all hell is mounting an attack against you; when you are confused as to what needs to be done; when Satan in mounting an attack against you; if you are becoming fearful or anything like that – stop and allow the LION that is within you to ROAR! Praise God! Amen! Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good! Praise God….
My guest today has a great ministry called, “The Lion Within Us!” Chris Grainger has created on online community that is here to help me find that “Lion Within Us” and let it out! Amen! Chris has a podcast by the same name that helps to bring Biblical insight to real world scenarios. He is a speaker and has multiple resources all designed to teach you how to let “The Lion Within YOU” – to get out! Praise God!
This is part two of a great, two part interview! Health: “Mind and Body” - Becoming aware of what we consume (mind and bodyWealth: “Career and Finances” – Becoming a better steward
Self: “Husband and Dads” - Bless, lead and pray with your wife and family.
By focusing on these character traits, what can someone expect as an end result?
I know you do this online… is there any type of in person training you do? Like for a conference or men’s retreat? Anything like that?
This is for men only or do you have a program for women as well?
Let’s talk for a moment about your podcast. I noticed you have over 200 episodes! Praise God! That is an accomplishment. How long have you been podcasting?
Chris, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to reach out to you and receive more information, or maybe ask a question or even do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all this in the show notes below.
Folks, this community that Chris Grainger has put together is so needful in such a time as this. In case you have not noticed, men are under attack. Manhood is under attack. Christianity is under attack. Amen!
You can see the cultural decline into immorality growing deeper almost every single night on the evening news.
Chris Grainger has put together this great community to help you to take a Biblical stand against these things. When you are attacked because of your Biblical stand, you won’t run off and cower in fear anymore.
Let the “Lion Within” you ROAR! Let the Lion of the Tribe of Judah that is within you help you to stand your ground and even take back what the enemy has stolen! Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Chris. Click the links below. Check out his website. He has some free offers there and a lot of great information. Be sure to listen and subscribe to his podcast as well. It’s really great and the guests he has on are amazing. Amen!
Email: chris@thelionwithin.us
Website: https://thelionwithin.us/
Podcast: https://thelionwithin.us/podcast/
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