Episode 1036
The Overcomer - Dorsey Ross
Published on:
26th January, 2022
The Overcomer – Dorsey Ross
Imagine a world where you were the one who was different from everyone else. A world where there was no “blending in with the crowd.” A world that is cruel. A world that is mean. A world where it is a daily challenge just to survive. A daily challenge just to live. A challenge to persevere. A world that say “you can’t.” That is the world my guest has lived through for more then forty years. Dorsey Ross was a surprise when his parents were shocked to learn they were expecting. Well into their forties, they figured they were way past child bearing age, with two grown daughters already to their credit. Then, once Dorsey was born, it was apparent that his was no ordinary birth. At birth, he was diagnosed with Apert Syndrome. This is a genetic disorder that causes abnormal shaping of the skull and face where the bones fuse together too early in fetal development. The doctors recommended his parents put him into an institution and did not give him a very good prognosis for survival. But, his parents were believers and trusted God could do anything. They would do what they could to help him, not only survive, but thrive in life. They never held him back from anything he wanted to achieve. In the process, they – and Dorsey himself – discovered there were very few things he could not do. Praise God! But, life was not a bed of roses. There was bullying at school. Being called a monster; a freak, teasing. Not to mention numerous operations. Dorsey has a motto that “can’t is not in his vocabulary.” For most of his life, he has never used the word “can’t.” He believes that, with God, “All things are possible to him who believes” and that he can “do all things through Christ who gives him strength.” Amen! Dorsey is now a minister of the Gospel, an author and a PODCASTER – called, The Dorsey Ross Show! Praise God! Dorsey has published a book detailing his life that is titled, appropriately, “Overcomer: Discovering God’s Plan Against All Odds.” Dorsey, other than that brief introduction I just gave, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Dorsey Ross?” Although I know you don’t personally remember, but you probably have had the conversation with your parents about this… When did they first learn you were going to have “Apert Syndrome?” I believe I read that you had 68 surgeries growing up? How did this affect your childhood development? What about friends? Especially in school? Let’s talk about school. What was that like and how difficult was it when you had to confront this type of bias on a daily basis? In your book, you discuss the bullying. How difficult was this for you during that time? Certainly, there were times when you considered ending your life. What were those dark days like and how did the Lord lead you out of that kind of despair? When did you realize you were being called into ministry? But, you succeeded in graduating from high school and wanted to pursue college. But people, I guess you could say, “well intentioned people” were trying to dissuade you from attempting college, right? Tell us what college life was like. Did the teasing, etc. continue, even in college? How about the studies? Did you have difficulty with the actual classes? You not only graduated from the community college, you continued on with your Bachelor program, too, right? Now, you give talks, visit churches, do some public speaking. I’m sure your theme centers around something like “Look what the Lord can do!” type of talk, right? Do you speak on bullying in any of schools? Dorsey, I know your first edition of “Overcomer” was published several years ago. But you’ve recently updated it. Why did you write this book, “Overcomer?” Why did you feel the need to update it? Tell us about your podcast, “The Dorsey Ross Show…” It’s an interview based podcast, similar to this podcast, right? How long have you been podcasting? Dorsey, how can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Overcomer: Discovering God’s Plan Against All Odds?” If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question, invite you to come out and speak at a church or event – or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you? I’ll put links to all of this down in the show notes. Folks, this interview with Dorsey Ross should inspire you to do greater things than you ever thought imaginable. When you look at what you are going through, as compared to what Dorsey had to go through – and you see how God brought him through – it should give Hope to you as well. Pastors, I encourage you to get in touch with Dorsey. Give him an email or a phone call. Invite him to speak at your church, at your events. Let him minister from the heart what the Lord did for him and what the Lord can do for someone in your church. I can guarantee you, someone somewhere, THIS DAY – was impacted by what Dorsey just shared. And he will do the same for you in your church or at your event. Amen! I also want to encourage you, everyone, right now, go down into the show notes and order a copy of Dorsey Ross’ book “Overcomer: Discovering God’s Plan Against All Odds.” I truly believe this book will be a blessing to someone this day. You don’t have to have a disability to receive something from this book. This book is Dorsey’s story of how God brought him through something most of cannot even fathom. But if God did it for Dorsey – and is now using him to fulfill His Plan for Dorsey’s life – He can do the same for you. And this book could just be that first step to a victorious life you’ve been seeking. Amen! Go down into the show notes, click the link and order your copies today.CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: dorseyross07@gmail.com Website: https://dorseyrossministries.com Book: “Overcomer: Discovering God’s Plan Against All Odds” – on Amazon Podcast - The Dorsey Ross ShowMentioned in this episode:
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