Episode 874
The Prophetic Almanac for 2021 - Bill Jenkins pt 1
The Prophetic Almanac for 2021 – Pastor Bill Jenkins pt 1
With all of the turmoil that took place in this nation and around the world last year, wouldn’t have been nice to have a little “heads-up” about things that were going to take place? The year 2020 was filled with unexpected surprises, right? Well, not if you were paying attention to an interview we did on December 30th of 2019. In that interview, my guest today shared some prophetic insights into things that were going to happen in the year 2020.
In fact, he does this every year in a book he releases called “The Prophetic Almanac.”
Pastor Bill Jenkins is a 1991 graduate from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. He has been in ministry for almost 30 years. He also had his own Television Program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network - and has hosted the “Praise the Lord” program as well. AMEN!
He has written numerous books and is quickly becoming known as a modern day Apostle of God with a prophetic voice. He and his wife, Britain, work extremely hard to release the message of HOPE in our world (and very needful, for such a time as this, I might add).
Pastor Jenkins takes some of the toughest passages of scripture and explains them in a practical and interesting way. He is quickly becoming the “Go To” guy when it comes to Biblical interpretation.
Every year, about this time, I ask Pastor Bill to come back on and share with us his insights from the Word of God as he talks about the new issue of “The Prophetic Almanac” as it relates to the coming year. And that is what we will be talking about today as we leave a very hectic and chaotic 2020 behind and are moving forward into 2021.
Help me welcome back to the program, Pastor Bill Jenkins. Pastor, thank you for taking the time to visit with us today!
For those that may not have heard our interviews from the past few years that we have been doing these interviews, tell us in your own words, “Who is Bill Jenkins?”
Last year, we discussed the “Prophetic Almanac” for 2020. Can you recap some of the things that the Lord showed you and that you covered in your book – and how those things played out in 2020? I mean, you must have been going through like a checklist with your book because of everything that was going on…
Let’s move now into 2021…
What do you see as God’s prophetic purpose for 2021?
What does the number 21 mean, prophetically?
What does God expect from the Church in 2021?
I’ve seen some things in the news from all over the world. Volcano in Italy, in Indonesia, a volcano, acid rain and floods and mudslide all in one day…things are accelerating at a rapid pace. You mentioned asteroids, etc. Tell us what you have in your book about these things for 2021.
How do you see 2021 impacting the United States, as a whole, specifically? We will get into the regions in a moment.
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