Episode 1026
The Prophetic Almanac for 2022 – Bill Jenkins pt 1
Published on:
10th January, 2022
The Prophetic Almanac for 2022
Pastor Bill Jenkins pt 1
Well, 2021 has been a wild year for sure. Between the Delta variant and the push for mandatory vaccinations coupled, with the reopening of businesses and people trying to return to normal, add in inflation and businesses not able to hire enough people, not to dismiss political instability and the increase in crime across America… folks, there can be absolutely no doubt we are living in what the Bible calls, “The End Times.” But, for believers, this is not a time of doom and gloom! Far from it. We are told by Jesus in Luke 21 verse 28, “When these things begin to take place, look up, for your redemption is drawing near!” Amen! With all that is happening, wouldn’t it be nice to have a peek at what is going to happen in the next year or so? It takes someone with a special gift from God to be able to do that without sounding like a soothsayer or a nut job, right! It take someone anointed by God with this gift to lay things out in a logical format. And that is what my guest will do today! Pastor Bill Jenkins of the Destinyland Christian Center in Rancho Cucuamonga, California. Every year, he releases a new book titled, “The Prophetic Almanac.” If you have ever heard of the “The Farmer’s Almanac,” well the Prophetic Almanac is the Spiritual equivalent that will release a spiritual vision for your personal life and it gives a prophetic forecast for our nation. Amen! Pastor Bill Jenkins is a 1991 graduate from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, my old stomping grounds for a few years... He has been in ministry for 30 years. He also had his own Television Program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network - and has hosted the “Praise the Lord” program a few times as well. AMEN! He has written numerous books and is quickly becoming known as a modern day Apostle of God with a prophetic voice. He and his wife, Britain, work extremely hard to release the message of HOPE into our world (and very needful, for such a time as this, I might add). Pastor Jenkins takes some of the toughest passages of scripture and explains them in a practical and interesting way. He is quickly becoming the “Go To” guy when it comes to Biblical interpretation. He also is a broadcaster on “Evangelism Radio” and has been for several years. His program runs Monday through Friday from 10-1030am Eastern Time. Every year, about this time, I ask Pastor Bill to come back on and share with us his insights from the Word of God as he talks about the new issue of “The Prophetic Almanac” as it relates to the coming year. And that is what we will be talking about today as we leave a very hectic and chaotic 2021 behind and are moving forward into 2022. Pastor, how long have you been publishing “The Prophetic Almanac?” Before we get into 2022, let’s recap a bit from 2021… Last year, on our program, you said there was going to be things exposed that have been kept secret for ages. You said that in 2021, the majority would “echo” what the popular sayings and news is and that anyone who raises a concern would be attacked. I think we can say we seen that come to pass this year like never before… Amen. You also said, that true ministers would “raise the standard” and not lower the standard. This concerns spiritual areas as well as in the natural. What kind of examples have you seen that fulfilled this particular discussion in your book? We understand, from the Book of Romans, that the “wages of sin is death.” Has the United States come to the point where “payday is here?” What about some of the dates, 21 dates last year, that the Lord highlighted for you in the calendar. Do you have any major things that happened that you are aware of, that happened on those dates? Last year was the Year of the Ox which was also the Chinese character for last year…and the relationship between the United States and China was more like two Ox’s butting heads, right? Let’s talk about the year 2022. What does the number 2022 and the number 22 stand for? What is the Lord showing you to watch out for and prepare for this year? Here’s a big one, for me anyway. What does it mean to born on the 22nd day of the month? Folks, you need to get a copy of this book, “The Prophetic Almanac” for 2022. There is so much happening prophetically in this nation, and around the world, right now. You need to be aware of what is happening all around you. Do not be taken by surprise. Go to the links down below, order your copy today!CONTACT INFORMATION:
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