Episode 1587
The Rapture Debate – TS Wright
The Rapture Debate
TS Wright
This episode of the Kingdom Crossroads Podcast delves into the intriguing and often divisive topic of the Rapture, exploring whether it is a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation event. Pastor Bob Thibodeau welcomes back Scott Wright to discuss the biblical evidence surrounding the Rapture and its implications for believers today. The conversation highlights various scriptural references that suggest the possibility of a Rapture and the implications of the church's absence during the tribulation period. Scott emphasizes the importance of understanding the signs of the times and how they relate to the current state of faith in society. As they unpack these complex themes, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and readiness for the events foretold in the Bible.
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads Podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and, yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 12% of all podcasts in the world by listennotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello, everyone everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Robert Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker B:We're so blessed you're joining us today.
Speaker B:One of the big topics in Christian circles and it has been ever since, well, let's just say John wrote the book of Revelation, is talking about the Rapture.
Speaker B:You know, this rapture debate, you know, is it pre trib, mid trib, post trip?
Speaker B:Is there a rapture?
Speaker B:Is there not a rapture?
Speaker B:Well, that's why we invited our great friend Scott right back again today to answer those questions.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Help me.
Speaker B:Welcome back to the program, Scott Rice.
Speaker B:Scott, it is a blessing to have you back on getting with us today, buddy.
Speaker C:Hey, great to be here and looking forward to another fruitful discussion.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:So many Christians and denominations, they debate.
Speaker B:I mean, they actually have, let's just say, strong opinions on this concept of, concerning the rapture.
Speaker B:In your view, does the Bible explicitly teach that there will be a rapture?
Speaker B:And if so, where is it mentioned?
Speaker C:Well, there's, there's definitely some mention of things that would basically lead us to believe that there is one, you know, talks about, you know, two women in there, one's gone, the other stay and two, two men out in the field, one goes and the other stays.
Speaker C:And we're, you know, we've got, we've got mention of things like that.
Speaker C:We've got things.
Speaker C:It'll happen in the twinkle of an eye.
Speaker C:But I think the wedding feast really spells it out best in that you have, you know, Jesus is the bridegroom, but the Father is the only one that gets to know this.
Speaker C:All right.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And he tells the bridegroom when to go get his bride.
Speaker C:And it's usually comes at a time and an hour where people are asleep and they're not prepared.
Speaker C:And, you know, you have the parable of the virgins and, you know, with the, some of them have the oil in their lamp, the others don't.
Speaker C:They can't share because they only have enough for themselves.
Speaker C:And you know, so there's.
Speaker C:There are definitely hints that there's something, but I.
Speaker C:Here's the biggest hint.
Speaker C:And this is one that really tells me that something is going to happen.
Speaker C:And then whether you want to believe it's a rapture or something else, I guess that's up to you at this point.
Speaker C:But the evidence shows, if you read the book of Revelation, after chapter three, there's really no mention of the church.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker C:There's no mention of it.
Speaker C:And.
Speaker C:And to me, that shows that there's something.
Speaker C:And as.
Speaker C:And what's interesting, you.
Speaker C:You get the seven seals and the seven trumpets and then the seven bowls of wrath, and it's as the heat basically gets turned up by God.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker C:As.
Speaker C:As it's being turned up on the people.
Speaker C:They not only won't repent, it talks about them not repenting, and it says that over and over, but they still refuse to repent.
Speaker C:They still won't repent.
Speaker C:Yeah, well, the church repents, so that means the people that are there, that are still on earth are not repenting.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:Well, that tells us that the church is not there.
Speaker C:That's a.
Speaker C:That's at least a clue that they're not present.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:They won't repent.
Speaker C:They won't repent.
Speaker C:They won't repent.
Speaker C:And then it also starts mentioning they're cursing God.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:So we have a lot of people that don't believe in God now cursing God.
Speaker C:So my question is this.
Speaker C:And this is the question I ask, and obviously no one can perfectly answer this because it doesn't give that level of a scientific, you know, it doesn't give this, like, complete total picture.
Speaker C:There's a mystery to it.
Speaker C:If there, if the Rapture happens, are people going to see it?
Speaker C:Like, it's not just people just disappearing, but people are going to see something where they see something come out of the sky, it looks like a big figure, and they see the people literally rising up, like they physically see it.
Speaker C:And now they know there is a God and they've missed it.
Speaker C:But instead of repenting, they go the other way with it.
Speaker C:They're mad.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Thinking they deserve that, man.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:And so plus, it just seems like they don't repent.
Speaker C:We always know that when there are people preaching, a few people listen.
Speaker C:There's always a few people that'll listen.
Speaker C:Even if there's not a human, it's just one.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, there's just one.
Speaker C:But there's.
Speaker C:But the, the book of Revelation is giving that clue that no one is repenting, like there's just not this overarching repentance.
Speaker C:I know it talks about the 144, 000, but really that's talking about the remnant of Israel.
Speaker C:And we know that.
Speaker C:So what is this?
Speaker C:You know, what is that?
Speaker C:Where in there would we come up with the fact that is it mid Trib, Is it post Trib?
Speaker C:I mean, this is just making it seem like if there is a Rapture, that it's going to happen at some point before this tribulation starts.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B: st Corinthians: Speaker B:I mean, do these verses indicate a pre Trib event?
Speaker C:Well, I think when you match that up, in light of what you're seeing, what you read in Revelation, I think it definitely lends credibility to that argument.
Speaker C:So that, does that mean that it's 100?
Speaker C:Of course not.
Speaker C:I mean, anybody who says that, nobody knows 100.
Speaker C:And you know, Right.
Speaker C:I've prayed and prayed about that stuff, and the Holy Spirit has never given me an impression one way or the other.
Speaker C:I've, I've been impressions a lot of things.
Speaker C:I've had, you know, I've had prophecy spoken over me by the Holy Spirit.
Speaker C:I've never had anything either way spoken to my heart about that.
Speaker C:And I don't.
Speaker C:And anybody else that says they have, again, I still think that that call totally comes down to that.
Speaker C:Only the Father knows.
Speaker C:I don't think he's going to give anybody that total impression of exactly when and, you know, that timeline.
Speaker C:But I do believe that the evidence of the Bible, the verses you're talking about, the stuff talked about in the gospel, you know, it's talked about in the Gospel as well.
Speaker C:Jesus mentions this, a lot of this type of stuff.
Speaker C:And when they're talking about that in these different verses and these different passages, I think the way it lines up with Revelation, it.
Speaker C:It indicates or at least gives some evidence an indication that it is going to be pre Trib.
Speaker C:And I think that's why the church has come to that conclusion.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You know, well, back when I was in Bible school, way back in 98, 99, I heard a clarifying statement concerning First Thessalonians 4:16, that it just, I mean, it just, in my opinion, accurately explains, you know, why that term in there, the dead shall rise first, then we're caught up with them.
Speaker B:And since I learned this Reason I've never had any doubts about this scripture ever since.
Speaker B:And the deal.
Speaker C:The.
Speaker B:The reason the dead rise first is because they have six feet farther to travel than we do.
Speaker B:That makes sense.
Speaker C:That's funny.
Speaker C:I'm six feet.
Speaker B:They got six feet farther to.
Speaker B:So that's why they got to get up first.
Speaker B:So I think Jesse Duplantis said that.
Speaker B:I just busted up laughing.
Speaker B:It was great.
Speaker C:That's kind of funny.
Speaker B:So, I mean, when you're talking about the Rapture, I mean, it actually causes division within denominations and stuff.
Speaker B:And you got some denominations, there's no such thing as our Rapture.
Speaker B:And then the other ones are, oh, yeah, and it's gonna happen first.
Speaker B:Well, it's not gonna happen first.
Speaker B:It's gonna happen in the middle.
Speaker B:You know, why can't they just come around to a consensus?
Speaker B:Like, we don't know, we don't care.
Speaker B:Because whenever have.
Speaker B:This is my opinion.
Speaker B:If it happens pre, I'm gone.
Speaker B:If happens mid, I'll be gone too.
Speaker B:If I got to go through the tribulation, I don't care.
Speaker B:I'm gonna get in on it whenever it's going to take place.
Speaker C:Well, I.
Speaker C:I will tell you.
Speaker C:And I've.
Speaker C:And I've used the passage that I actually like to use.
Speaker C:And yes, I've.
Speaker C:Thessalonians, Thessalonians 4, and, you know, stuff in Corinthians, I always like to go to Matthew, chapter 24.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Because Jesus is directly speaking this in Matthew 24.
Speaker C:And I would encourage you to read people, to read the whole chapter, because that whole chapter deals.
Speaker C:It kind of.
Speaker C:It gives you a sense of a timeline.
Speaker C:When you start reading about the statue in Daniel, you start reading this, you read the book of Revelation, and then you include these other passages, just like in the Book of Amos, how Israel is going to be put in their land and never again to be uprooted.
Speaker C:When you start putting all that together, it really gives you a sense of there is something that's going to remove the church.
Speaker C:Israel's still going to be there, but the church is not going to be a voice anymore.
Speaker C:Because if people aren't repenting, the church is not a voice.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:As a matter of fact, I actually kind of wonder myself in this as well, is that I'm not even sure the Muslim faith will be present anymore.
Speaker C:Because here's what we do know.
Speaker C:When people believe in God, at least that God's there, if they're given the evidence that it's different, they'll change.
Speaker C:We see it all the time.
Speaker C:And that includes somebody who's, you know, has some type of an Islamic belief.
Speaker C:But people who are.
Speaker C:Don't believe in God at all.
Speaker C:They'll.
Speaker C:They'll take the mindset with their intellect, either explain it away.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Or they will rebel against it.
Speaker C:It just, it always seems like people who don't believe struggle with that more, especially when it's their intellect.
Speaker C:That's their, their primary way of trying to see something.
Speaker C:You know, intellect only goes so far.
Speaker C:But it even says knowledge puffs up.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker C:Gotta have wisdom.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:You know.
Speaker C:Exactly.
Speaker C:If it's just knowledge, without wisdom, you have no, you're just, you're just kind of a floating person.
Speaker C:You know, you have no, you have no standard.
Speaker C:You don't have a foundation.
Speaker C:And, and I've met a lot of people and talked with them and we talk apologetics and stuff.
Speaker C:But the problem is, is they focus so much on the technical.
Speaker C:There's also an emotional argument there, and I always try to include that, but they, they just cannot grasp the experience of Jesus.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You know, and then you look at like Revelation 4.
Speaker B:I mean, like I said, does this symbolize the rapture of the church as a whole that takes place before the tribulation period starts, or are we looking at, you know, some people talk about the collapse of the church influence that is happening right now.
Speaker B:So are we going to be individualized in the rapture, or is it like church, come on home, and then everybody goes up.
Speaker C:So here's, here's kind of what I think.
Speaker C:And, and again, this is just my educated guess and just praying through it.
Speaker C:And what I think will happen is I think there is going to be one more great revival.
Speaker C:But I think we need it and we need it bad.
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker C:I think there's not any question.
Speaker C:We now know that about 30% of all Americans don't believe in God or they're.
Speaker C:It's either agnostic, atheist, or don't even have a thought of it.
Speaker C:It's like maybe it's there, you know, it's just.
Speaker C:But it's some distant thing.
Speaker C:So there's, there's definitely a disconnect with people, with God.
Speaker C:It's almost a third of Americans.
Speaker C:And I would say I think it.
Speaker B:Is more than that.
Speaker C:I think in Europe it's even more than that.
Speaker C:And I think in Europe it's more than that.
Speaker C:So when you combine Western civilization into that bowl, I would say that it's about half on some level.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker C:They'll acknowledge it, but there's not really.
Speaker C:And then the.
Speaker C:The other question I've asked pastors this before.
Speaker C:How much of their congregations really follow Christ?
Speaker C:Really follow Christ?
Speaker C:They'll usually give me a number somewhere between 5 and 15%.
Speaker C:That is really low.
Speaker C:Yeah, that means the.
Speaker C:The highest number I've ever heard is 15.
Speaker C:I'll just say that that means a minimum of 85% are not living out the gospel.
Speaker C:They are not being transformed.
Speaker C:So here's the thing.
Speaker C:I think we're going to have a revival, but then I also think there's going to be this phasing out.
Speaker C:And we do know this, and we do know this because Jesus said this, is that the whole world must be preached the gospel.
Speaker C:Well, the whole world has not heard all the gospel.
Speaker C:So during this revival and probably towards the end of it, I believe that there will be whatever's left, whatever remnant on earth has not heard the gospel.
Speaker C:We'll hear it every tongue, tribe and nation, you know, and it says that in revelation too.
Speaker C:So that kind of a confirm that worthy is the lamb who has bought by his blood every tongue, tribe and nation for God.
Speaker C:So that means every tongue, tribe and nation has to hear the gospel first.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:So you.
Speaker C:Those two verses, those two passages line up.
Speaker C:And so we have this coming together.
Speaker C:Then we're gonna have this degrading, a quick degrading, I believe.
Speaker C:And then it's really gonna be the parable of, you know, it's.
Speaker C:To me, it's really just gonna be the parable of the weeds, you know, or the tar, the wheat and ataris, because there's gonna come a time of testing that's really gonna separate that.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:One thing people need to understand about that parable is that they usually read it in English as wheat and weeds.
Speaker C:It's not weeds.
Speaker C:Tarries is a type of weed that looks exactly like wheat until it is fully grown.
Speaker C:And then what they do is they take it and they have to start separating it and they beat it to get that out.
Speaker C:You can look, you want to go watch people go watch the Amish take care of this stuff.
Speaker C:I mean, they.
Speaker C:They do this.
Speaker C:They work with that kind of stuff.
Speaker C:And my wife was describing it when we were talking about it one time, and she.
Speaker C:She had seen.
Speaker C:She had physically seen how they handle that.
Speaker C:And so.
Speaker C:And then of course, Jesus says, you know, the.
Speaker C:The taris is going to be thrown in the fire to be burned and got rid of, and the wheat.
Speaker C:So there's going to be this separation.
Speaker C:And I think we're going to see that.
Speaker C:And then when we see that separation, and then I believe that actually the building of the Third Temple will end the life, this last stage of the church.
Speaker C:And I've said this before, and I'm not, I'm not going to say that it's a perfect prophecy or any of this stuff, so don't get into that.
Speaker C: ng's going to be built in the: Speaker C:And when that, when that is built, that's going to be the end of the church.
Speaker C:And then we've talked about the super tetrad.
Speaker C:And then seven years, another tetrad.
Speaker C: So from: Speaker C: From: Speaker C:So there's the seven years.
Speaker C:So sometime between the building of that third temple and that could be a time of how the church, at that point, the church is removed.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:So it gives you kind of a, like, you'll know the, you'll know the signs of the times.
Speaker C:You just won't know the day and the hour.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:And I, and I think we're seeing it, I don't think it's that hard to see with the way the church age is going that we're seeing a phasing out.
Speaker C:I think we'll see a revival because people are empty right now.
Speaker C:But then when the time of testing starts to come, some of those, a lot of those people will fall away.
Speaker C:And then there'll be a Rapture.
Speaker C:And then, you know, after the Third Temple's built and then after the Rapture, the tribulation will start.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:And also trading for us is gone after the Rapture.
Speaker C:And I think there'll be that attack on Israel.
Speaker C:And when that happens, what I think is going to happen when that occurs, it's not going to destroy all Islam, but I think it's going to remove its influence and there's going to be this huge spiritual vacuum in society.
Speaker C:And that's where the Antichrist can rise.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And we've talked about it could be a person, it could be AI the way that's going, or at least the combination of two.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:So there's, there's, there's definitely things in place where I can see it now.
Speaker C: s and even the early: Speaker C:Like I don't see it.
Speaker C:You know, I just.
Speaker C:Now I can see it because there's so many things being put in place.
Speaker C:911 was really the kickoff.
Speaker B:Yep, yep.
Speaker C:Because think about it.
Speaker C:We became, look at the level of surveillance that was developed and put in place after 9 11.
Speaker C:It really spearheaded the whole movement of.
Speaker C:Okay, now I'm starting to see that this is possible.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:Scott, this has been so interesting.
Speaker B:I, I could keep going, but we're up against the clock again.
Speaker B:If someone has a question or like to reach out to you for more, maybe do an interview like this, how can they do that?
Speaker B:How can someone get in touch with you?
Speaker C:You bet.
Speaker C: me at gcc God centered concept: Speaker C:We've got everything now in place.
Speaker C:We're building our own studio and that actually is going to be in place this week.
Speaker C:And we'll be.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker C:Yeah, we'll be, we'll be moving forward so people can tune into the YouTube channel and hey, you can actually see my face.
Speaker C:So there you go.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker C:We're gonna be talking about a whole multitude of topics.
Speaker C:We're, we decide, we're gonna mix it up.
Speaker C:We'll have some discipleship training on there, but we're also going to be talking about things like this.
Speaker C:We're gonna be using current events.
Speaker C:We'll talk a little bit, not a ton of politics.
Speaker C:And we're gonna include a little bit of that because we think it's relevant to have some current events in there.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well folks, I'll put links all this in the show notes down below.
Speaker B:But folks, everything Scott's been sharing with us, we know it is going to happen.
Speaker B:The Bible says so.
Speaker B:It will happen.
Speaker B:The only question is, will you be ready for it?
Speaker B:I mean, you don't have to believe in the pre Trib rapture.
Speaker B:You don't have to believe in the midterm rapture or the post Trib rapture.
Speaker B:You don't have to believe the Rapture will occur at all.
Speaker C:Nope.
Speaker B:The only thing you do need to believe in is Jesus is the Christ, the anointed Messiah.
Speaker B:That's the only thing.
Speaker B:The only requirement that he did live a sinless life on this earth and sacrifice himself for all of us and that God honored his sacrifice for all time in our behalf and that he is going to return for us during what the Bible calls the end of days.
Speaker B:That's all you gotta believe in.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Whether or not you believe we're living in the end days doesn't matter at all because each and every person of Jesus tarries will see their end of days happen at some point in time.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Oh, don't shut me down.
Speaker B:I'm preaching.
Speaker B:Good.
Speaker A:Praise God.
Speaker B:Just drop down the show notes.
Speaker B:Reach out to Scott, right?
Speaker B:Ask him your questions.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Who knows, we may be covering one of your questions on a future program.
Speaker B:Hey, man, Scott, as usual, it's been great, man.
Speaker B:I appreciate you taking that time out of your schedule to come join us today.
Speaker C:Hey, and I'm looking forward to the next one, Bob.
Speaker C:So it's always great.
Speaker C:As always.
Speaker B:Amen, folks.
Speaker B:That's all the time we have for today for Scott, right?
Speaker B:Myself passed by reminder.
Speaker B:Be blessed all that you do.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Speaker A: interviews and: Speaker A:Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Speaker A:that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Speaker A:for more information, until next time, be blessed in all that you do.