Episode 1183
The River - Betty Rodgers-Kulich pt 2
The River
Betty Rodgers-Kulich pt 2
If you’ve been listening to this program for any length of time, you know I’m an avid reader. That is one reason I enjoy interviewing authors. Amen! Well, fasten your seat belts because today, we have the blessed pleasure of interviewing Betty Rodgers-Kulich about her award winning book, “The River.”
“The River: A Spiritually Transforming Journey” is book one of what is now becoming a trilogy. Betty describes this book as a cross between “The Shack” and a modern day “Pilgrim’s Progress” type of book!” Amen! We’ll find out more about that in a minute…
This book won the 2021 Christian Indie Publisher Award and is great book that has now become book one of a trilogy in the making! Praise God!
Betty is an ordained minister and serves as an Associate Pastor, along with her husband Rick of 47 years, at the Redeemer's Church in Columbus, Ohio. She has been teaching and preaching since 2003. Betty also serves as a Women's Conference Director for Harvest Preparation International Ministries (HPIM.ORG), a non-profit Biblical ministry that trains and impacts leaders globally. She travels internationally doing women's conferences, teaching, developing and mentoring other women. Prior to being in ministry full time, Betty was a high school teacher for 30 years and holds a Master's degree in Family and Consumer Sciences and Early Childhood Development.
She is also an “Advanced Writers & Speakers Association” certified speaker! AMEN!
This is part two of a great two part interview!
Did you keep the characters from book one? Are we like, following them, on their quest?
How far along are you with book two?
You and your husband, Rick, are trying to make people aware of the complacency that has been adopted these past few years in the American Church. How does this book help you to do that?
You are not only a fiction writer, but a non-fiction writer as well. Your book, “When the Light Grows Dim” is in reference to the modern American church. Can you share a little about that?
You are also a writer of devotionals, correct? Can you tell us about bit about that? How did you get into that aspect of writing?
You also recently came back from a trip to Mexico where you were at a conference. Share with us about your work and travels…
Betty, this is all so fascinating. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The River: A Spiritually Transforming Journey?” Is it on Amazon?
What about the Trilogy? When will that be released?
If someone wanted to reach out to you to ask a question, maybe to invite you to a conference of maybe even do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, this book is one that you will not put down when you begin to read it. Betty Rodgers-Kulich has crafted this book under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it will hold you until you finish… Then you’re going to going on line and looking for book two and wondering why it’s not released yet! Praise God!
At the time of this recording, Christmas is just around the corner! You should definitely invest in purchasing this book for yourself and, if I may hint a little bit, possibly get two or three copies for friends that you know will enjoy this book also. Amen!
Just drop down into the show notes below and click the links right there.
Email: bkulich@usa.net
Website: https://transformed-image.com/
Book: “The River: A Spiritually Transforming Journey” – on Amazon
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