Episode 901
The Sixth Sola – Michael Ward pt 2
The Sixth Sola
Michael Ward pt 1
We are all aware of the various denominations that exist in the Christian Faith. Almost all of the claim they are the correct interpreters of the Bible. That is what causes so much strife and division in the Body of Christ. That is also what cause many people not to want anything to do with organized religion. But why? Why are we so focused on the historical events described in the Bible? And when we do reference anything to the present day and time in which we live, it is always in reference to “The Great Commission.” But is that completely accurate? Is that how we are to live our Christian Faith?
My guest today has prayed and studied and the Holy Spirit has given him some clarity in understanding and a gift to articulate it. Amen! This information is spot on in my opinion. As I was reading the book “The Sixth Sola,” I found myself many times, telling myself, “Amen! That’s it! That’s right! Amen!”
Michael Ward is the author of “The Sixth Sola.” He was born in a split denominational home. His father was a Catholic and his mother a Presbyterian. So they split the difference and raised him as a Lutheran. Amen! That’s the church I was raised in many decades ago as well.
But due the complexity of the various messages he heard over the year, he started to study the scriptures on his own. He developed his own system for reading most of the New Testament, one chapter per day. That is almost the same style bible reading system I’ve used these past four years.
So when I read about Michael’s system, it just resonated with me because I was doing sort of the same thing, though not exactly the same system. But, Michael Ward is here today to discuss his book and the unique Bible reading system that I know will resonate with most of you as well. This is a great way to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you in just a few minutes per day.
I like how your referenced the current state of “discipleship” in our churches today as prepared meals rather than learning how to cook for ourselves. That is so true. What can be done to correct this “fast food” mindset that has invaded the American church scene?
What about the books of John, Peter, Jude, etc.? Are you only emphasizing Paul?
What about the four Gospels? Is there a certain context you recommend when we read them?
Explain for us the difference between “The Great Commission” and what you call “The Great Relationship” and how you came to that realization?
You share how Peter was transformed by the day of Pentecost. Can you share some of that information with our listeners?
You go into the conversion of Saul to Paul. One of the main characters I love to preach on is Ananias. We can tell he’s sensitive to the Holy Spirit. When the Lord calls him, he hears and answers. Then, he tries to argue with the Lord! I love that part. “Ah, Lord, you do know what this guy is here for, right? And you want ME to go in and tell him that YOU sent me to talk to him? Are you sure that’s the right thing to do?” LOL That’s Faith in demonstration right there!
You have, what you call, the “Very Important Question” or VIQ. Tell us about this question and why it is so important? Even today…
As we get ready to close, can you walk us through your system for reading the Bible in this way? A way that will allow us to be more focused on the work of the Holy Spirit?
Folks, I cannot emphasize enough how much this interview with Michael Ward has resonated with my Spirit. He’s been sharing things articulately that I’ve been trying to communicate for nearly 25 years. Praise God! You need to get your own copy of Michael’s book, “The Sixth Sola.” Use the links down below and order your book.
And I want to emphasize, as we close, that the ball is now in your court. Michael has written the book, “The Sixth Sola.” He’s made it available to you. I’ve had him on the podcast today to discuss it and the Holy Spirit has guided our conversation. He’s had YOU listen to the discussion. Now, it is up to you to take action. In addition to ordering the book, you also need to read your Bible.
I want to close with the instructions Michael gives at the end of his book.
It’s up to you to take action. You need to simply walk in the Spirit. If you do not understand that totally, then make a commitment to read the post-Resurrection words in 22 weeks, one chapter at a time. Write out your thoughts in a journal as you do so.
I believe the revelation you will receive will bless you for years to come – even into Eternity. Praise God!
Email: 6thsola@gmail.com
Website: https://www.6thsola.com
Book: “The Sixth Sola” – on Amazon
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