Episode 1192
The Tower of the Flock – Christine Van Horn pt 2
The Tower of the Flock
Dr. Christine Van Horn pt 2
As we are preparing for the Christmas season, the celebration of the Lord’s birth (at least that is what it was meant to be, not the commercialized things we see today – but that’s a story for a different day)…
Now, as I was saying, as we are preparing to celebrate the birth of our Lord into this earth, many, many churches will have their little children’s plays about “no room in the inn” and born in barn” and “laid in a manager,” etc. And that’s OK… at least it’s something…
But, I am almost 100% certain, that most of you have not really studied this out for yourself. But our guest today has. And what she is going to share with us today will give you a more complete understanding of every single aspect of the “Christmas Story.”
I know it will, because I was moved by the Lord about two years ago to start looking at this myself. I’ve shared this story the past couple of years on our radio program, “Freedom Through Faith” that airs on Evangelism Radio. I would run this particular teaching just before Christmas the last two years – AND I’m planning on doing it again this year. Praise God!
I said all of that, because Dr. Christian Van Horn has written an absolutely fabulous book that details every facet of this story and will just blow your mind on the misinformation you’ve been fed over the years. Her book, “The Tower of the Flock” will expound upon things you’ve always know, but then open your eyes to the “story behind the story.” And then shares with you the importance of that back story to the fulfillment of scripture – especially when it comes to the Birth of Jesus.
Dr. Christine Van Horn is an author, teacher and speaker. She is the author of 6 books, with three of them focusing on teaching character and foundational values. Her most recent book is “Teach Your Children Timeless Truths in Uncertain Times.” We did an interview on that book about a month ago. So I would direct you to go to our archives and look up episode number 1173 and 1174.
Christine has been the team leader for a children’s program called “Character Club.” She has a Doctorate Degree in Theology and serves in the Children’s Ministry at Insight Church in Tinley Park, IL. She was also on the faculty of the International College of Excellence Bible College.
She also has coaching program that brings all of these concepts together called, “Wisdom Decisions – Foundational Values.”
And, as I said, today, we will be discussing one of her books titled, “The Tower of the Flock.”
Today is part two, and the conclusion, of a GREAT two part interview!
The field that David was tending the sheep in was the exact same field that shepherds would be tending to their flocks when Jesus was born. Is that correct?
All of this explained why the Jews knew the Messiah was supposed to come from the line of David and be born in Bethlehem. But yet, they did not put two and two together concerning the birth of Jesus. So, let’s dive now into the importance of the “Tower of the Flock.”
In the traditional birth of Jesus nativity scene, Bible stories and all that goes with that… I first want to debunk every single one of those narratives. So, let’s start by stepping all over the Spiritual toes out there…
What kind of husband would make his wife take that kind of journey when she was 9 months pregnant? That’s what we are led to believe…but that is not what really happened, right?
What about the “no room for them at the Holiday Inn” so they had to go out to the barn out back to give birth to the baby?
WHY was the “Tower of the Flock” the perfect place for a pregnant woman to give birth when she could not be cared for in the home of a loved one?
I can hear someone now saying, “But what about the Bible saying she laid the baby Jesus in the manger. That’s a feeding trough in the barn!” Explain for us what the “manger” really is…
Can you share with us about the shepherd’s? Those lonely shepherds, guarding their flocks by night in the middle of December… I know I set you up to answer two questions with my one question… but go ahead!
As we are getting ready to wrap this up… I want to debunk one more myth. Can you share with us, if Jesus wasn’t born in the barn like we’ve been told, why do the nativity scenes show the three kings brining gifts to the barn where Jesus is laid in the feeding trough and the song “Little Drummer Boy” says the “ox and lamb kept time?”
So who were the Magi?
Christine, this has been absolutely interesting. Like I said in the beginning, when I found out you had written a book about “The Tower of the Flock,” I just had to get you back on for an interview.
The revelation the Lord gave me about this a few years back just transformed by idea of the “Christmas Story” and I’ve been sharing it ever since. I do appreciate you writing this book to make the story known far and wide and correct the misconceptions and false teachings that have been propagated on us all.
How can someone order a copy of your book, “The Tower of the Flock?” Is it on Amazon?
And if someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or possibly do an interview like this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, this book, “Tower of the Flock,” is a must have for your reading list. It answers so many nagging questions that most people have about the birth of Jesus. I urge you to drop down into the show notes and order you copy today.
In fact, do your pastor a favor and order him or her a copy as well. They will appreciate it. Don’t make the mistake of thinking “They already know this.” I’ve been in the ministry for close to 28 years and did not find out the truth about this until about 2 or 3 years ago. But I’ve been sharing it since. Amen!
Be sure to order your copies today.
Email: chris@drchris.co
Website: https://www.drchris.co/
Book: “Teach Your Children Timeless Truths in Uncertain Times” – on Amazon
Book: “Tower of the Flock” – on Amazon
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