Episode 1294
The Unknown Power of Forgiveness - Michelle Jackson pt 1
The Power of Forgiveness
Michelle Jackson pt 1
We all have heard about the problem with recidivism in the prison population. More than 80% of prisoners released end up right back in the system again. Why?
But the story does not just affect the person doing the time. Often, the family is not even mentioned in the discussion. But far too often, the family is suffering as well. Again, the question is “Why?”
Well, Michelle Jackson is someone who is trying to make a difference in this area. Michelle is the twin sister of someone who has suffered because of her brother’s repeated incarcerations. She finally decided to try and find a cure for this condition that she discovered was affecting her as well as her brother.
She is the author of a book titled, “A Prisoners Pardon.” She is also the author of a children’s book titled, “Pharaoh’s Butler & Baker, The Unknown Power of Forgiveness.”
Michelle is also the host of the “Prisoner’s Pardon Podcast” – a weekly podcast where she dives deeper in these issues, focusing on how everyone needs to have a firm, noncompromising, fundamental value system in order to avoid the mental, spiritual or physical prison.
Her podcast handle is “Michi J” (for Michelle Jackson) and the books are written under her pen name, “C.C. Skye” (to signify the “sky’s the limit”).
Help me welcome to the program, “Michi J!”
Michelle, it is so good to talk to you again. We haven’t had a chat like this in a little over a year! I know you’ve had a lot going on during all that time. Welcome back!
Michelle, I’m so proud of you and your podcast! You are up through episode #39! Praise God!
I’m very familiar with your background and all that you’ve had going on. But for our listeners who are not, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Michelle Jackson?”
You have been working on the “Prisoner’s Pardon” book for a long time. Can you give us some insight into what led you to write this book?
Your children’s book is, “Pharaoh’s Butler & Baker, The Unknown Power of Forgiveness.” Why did you decide to write a children’s book?
This book looks at the same situation as “A Prisoner’s Pardon,” but from a child’s perspective?
I know, from what you’ve shared with me before, that you learned a lot during the writing of “A Prisoner’s Pardon.” Can you share a little of what you discovered concerning the decline of family and family values in the black community because of issues with recidivism?
Folks, I’ve known “Michi J” for several years now. She is a straight shooter who is passionate about her topic. She’s lived it. Everything she has shared with us today is straight from the heart. I encourage you drop down into the show notes and get in touch with Michelle, right now, while you are thinking about it. Amen!
And don’t forget to click the links to her book, “The Pharaoh’s Butler & Baker: The Unknown Power of Forgiveness!” You need to order this right NOW! Amen! Buy a couple for your church. Give one to your pastor – I can almost guarantee he will appreciate them. I know he knows someone that can use them. Amen!
Be sure to order your copy of right now! Order more than one copy. Order three or four! I know that you know some people that could use this information and encouragement “right now!” Amen!
Be sure to click the link to her podcast below. I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to subscribe to her podcast so you can be notified when new episodes drop. Amen! Be sure to share the link to her podcast with those you know could use a word of encouragement in this area as well…
Email: michelle@prisonerspardon.com
Website: https://kingomdprincesspen.com
Book: “Pharaoh’s Butler & Baker, The Unknown Power of Forgiveness” – on Amazon
Book: “A Prisoner’s Pardon” – on Amazon
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