Episode 596
The Theology of Work – Leah Archibald pt 2
The Theology of Work – Leah Archibald pt 1
Leah Archibald helps busy Christians connect the Bible to the work they do every day. She believes you can develop a deeper relationship with God and a more meaningful experience of work. At the Theology of Work Project she puts timeless truths online for 2 million Christians across the world. Leah’s devotionals include topics such as Anxiety About Money, How to Make the Right Decision, and When to Speak Up at Work. She is the co-host of Making It Work, a podcast that helps working Christians connect with God around their biggest work challenges.
So, is there a way to effectively build that “work – life” balance?
I know you probably hear a lot of stories about work place environment. People being ribbed and teased about many different things. Perhaps even about their Faith, among other things. Or perhaps a better example would be the business climate for a particular employer has changed. And a Christian business or office climate is in stark contrast to the Faith and belief system of the employee. Should they be willing to take that kind of stand for their Faith?
How can someone navigate that situation using Biblical principles and not make it “about them?”
What about working to support your family at a job your really do not like, but then your “off time” you volunteer to work for free at something you consider, “your calling in life?” Have you helped people in that situation? I mean, we should be helping those around us when possible as well. Basically, meeting the needs of the world. I’m sure you have heard statements like that as well, correct?
And throughout the Bible, there is example after example of people losing their freedom, becoming slaves, and impacting the world around them for God. That does not mean that God wants people to be slaves and mistreated or anything like that. Let’s say someone was a slave working in the fields. There are farmers whose life calling is to work in the fields! But we can read about slaves who, despite their circumstances, still can be used by God in a positive way. It may only be ONE PERSON they help in their entire life! But that one person will go on and impact a nation or the world – all because of the small thing that slave did!
Just off the top of my head, I’m thinking about Naaman in 2 Kings 5. He had captured a young slave girl in one of his battles in Israel. Probably killed her parents. Separated the girl from her brothers or other family members. He took her hundreds of miles back to his home and now she was a slave. When he came down with leprosy, it would have been so easy for that young girl to think “Good! He get’s what he deserves!” But instead, she lets it be known there is a prophet in Israel who could pray for him and he would be healed!” That is the ONLY thing the Bible says about that young slave girl. But yet, we are still talking about her thousands of years later! And she is still inspiring us today! Amen!
Leah, I have to ask you about something I read on the website. It says you have 5 chickens and a crazy dog at home – along with your husband and three sons. But 5 chickens and a crazy dog? Care to elaborate?
Leah, if someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question, get in touch about the “Theology of Work” project – or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of that in show notes.
Folks, I know you have a job. You may be unemployed right now, but your job is looking for employment. So you “have” a job! Your job may not be the career path you want right now. It may not be what you believe your calling in life is. But there is a place that has the resources to help you navigate that difficult path. “Theology of Work” project provides you the resources to figure it all out. Leah Archibald and her partners at the “Theology of Work” website are there to help, to provide encouragement and to provide Biblical guidance for you. I encourage you to go to their website and look around. Ask questions. Download the resources! And partner with this great work of God. It is needful in this day and time in which we live. Amen! And don’t forget to listen to and subscribe to the podcast, “Making it Work!” Praise God!
Leah, I want to thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit with us today. I do appreciate it!
That is all the time we have for today. Go to the show notes down below and get in touch with Leah and the “Theology of Work” team. Amen. For Leah Archibald and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Website: www.theologyofwork.org
Podcast: www.makingitworkpodcast.org
The post The Theology of Work – Leah Archibald pt 2 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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