Episode 1068
They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll – Joe Shimmel pt 2
They Sold Their Souls
for Rock and Roll
Pastor Joe Shimmel pt 2
Have you noticed how far society and our culture has fallen in recent years? Not quite the “Leave it Beaver” generation anymore, is it?
How many times have you seen the news reports of someone doing something so despicable that you hear comments like, “That’s evil” or “They must be demon possessed” or something similar.
Though I agree in more ways than we have time to go into today, the question is, “How did they become demon possessed?” “Why are they doing things so evil?”
To help us delve into that realm today, I have a very special guest who was drifting into that realm of reality, through something that many people often listen to and participate in. I’m not going to spoil it here, as I would like Pastor Joe Shimmel to explain it for us. But I’m telling you right now, this is an interview you will want to pay particular attention to and share amongst your family, friends and co-workers, as he is going to pull back the cover and be discussing things happening right in your own home and you are not even aware of it…
This is only part two of a great three part interview!Can you share a bit about this new film you’ve been working on? “Marvel & DC’s War on God: The AntiChrist Agenda.”Especially about “Dr. Strange” and what you’ve discovered?
Pastor Joe shares information about some famous people who use cryptic lyrics which indicates common demonic activity and possession…
Folks, as I stated in the beginning, this is not new. It’s been going on since the Garden of Eden if you want to get technical about it. The devil does not have anything new up his sleeve. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. His tactics are as well. But our God is also the same yesterday, today and forevermore. And Jesus has defeated the devil and all that are with him.
Website: www.marveldcexposed.com (to watch “Marvel & DC War on God)!
Website: GoodFight Ministries
Video: They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll on Amazon
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