Episode 923
Third Level Birth Pangs – Tom Donnan pt 2
Third Levels Birth Pangs
Tom Donnan pt 2
Tom Donnan is back as our special guest today. Tom is an evangelist, author, teacher and someone who is on fire for God. He is gifted in discerning spiritual things that others see only in the natural. I look forward to our times together each month as Tom shares from the spiritual perspective about things happening all around us, in the news and in our lives.
If you are familiar with our conversations, I always have to say this disclaimer up front. We may have an outline of some topics to talk about, but the Holy Spirit guides the conversations. That means we never know what kind of rabbit trails we will be led down today. Praise God!
We’ve talked many times, over the past couple of years, that every aspect of society is spiraling out of control. Not only because of the pandemic, but nature itself is wreaking havoc on society. Then there are the financial hits we’ve taken. Add in the increases in technology that intrude into people’s lives (as we’ve discussed before). I do not believe it is a coincidence that all of these things are converging, it seems, at one point in time.
Let’s bring all of this back to our own backyards for a minute…
I know we are all familiar with the COVID pandemic. And people all over the world have been affected by it. But that is not the only news worthy story going on right now. We’ve covered the increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes, etc. But have you seen a report and video by Michael Snyder, where he discusses seven plagues that are sweeping the world right now? SEVEN!
7 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Right Now And Creating An Apocalyptic End Game - YouTube
1 Plague of mice devastating Australia
2 strong earthquakes especially in southern ring of fire
3 Volcano’s, Icelandic, St Vincent in the Caribbean and others
4 America in a Drought, Drought Conditions Continue in Spring 2021 (nasa.gov)
5 Locust plague continues
6 Bird Flu serious in Russia
7 Covid in Brazil serious/ India
Speaking of catastrophe’s, did you see information on the recent earthquake in Peru?
The earth was groaning! An earthquake has created geological faults in Peru! Huge cracks! - YouTube
Update on St Vincent Island Volcano
I don’t know if I would classify this as a “plague,” but I wanted to share this with you. Did you see that Rome has been invaded, again, by millions of starlings? I know many people flock to see them. But all of these birds are making a mess of things!
Ten Million Starlings Swarm (7 Tonnes of Bird Poo) | Superswarm | BBC Earth - YouTube
Folks, these things are not random happenings. They are real. They are also depicted in the Bible. They are also ALL related, in some form or fashion, to the "End of Days" that the Bible says will happen just before the soon return of Jesus!
I urge you to share this information with your friends, family, co-workers and others. Together, we can "Get the Word Out" that Jesus is returning soon! In the meantime, go down into the show notes, click the links and order Tom Donnan's books! They will give you some great, Spiritual advice on various topics that are all relevant to what we are seeing today
Tom Donnan
Facebook: https://facebook.com/healthenationministries
Books On Amazon:
Pastor and the Presence of God
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