Episode 767
Uncrushed – Breaking Your Negative Mindset – Dr Melissa Tranquille pt 1
Breaking Your Negative Mindset
Dr. Meilissa Tranquille pt 1
How many times have you heard the expression, “You are what you think?” Basically, if you are always thinking you can’t – you’re right! And, if you believe that you can do something – you’re right there as well. That’s not wishful thinking. No, it is called having a positive mindset. And if you are constantly reinforcing yourself with negative thoughts and have a continuous negative mindset, well, negative things happen!
I’ve know Dr. Melissa Tranquille from online training, some forums and we’ve worked together on a couple of summits and things like that for well over two years now. I can tell you without reservation, she is as real as you can get. She will not beat around the bush with anything, she will tell you like it is. That’s one thing I like about her training programs – she is real and down to earth. That is not something you see in a lot of online training today.
Melissa is the director and founder of MT Training Enterprises, Ltd. In the United Kingdom. She provides tailored coaching and training solutions to businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals. She has lived in different parts of the world such as Paris, Trinidad-Tobago, St. Lucia and now, the United Kingdom. By living in all of these areas, she has developed an appreciation for various cultures and can relate to almost anyone, regardless of background.
She possess a Masters of Science Degree in Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development and has a Doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Liecester.
And she is the author of the book, “Uncrushed – A Simple 3 Step Process To Break Negative Mindset and Achieve Any Goal in Life.”
Help me welcome to the program, Dr. Melissa Tranquille. Melissa, thank you for joining us today!
First question, other than that brief information I just shared, tell us in our own words, “Who is Melissa Tranquille?”
How and why did you decide to move into helping people online?
You recently had a 5 Day Challenge program. What was that about and how did it work out for those involved?
Your book is called, “Uncrushed – A Simple 3 Step Process to Break Negative Mindset and Achieve Any Goal In Life.” Why this type of book for such a time as this? Is this something you have struggled with in the past?
Is it possible for someone to have a negative mindset and not even know it?
How can we help someone who has a negative mindset realize they need to change?
How does negative talk actually hinder our outward success?
So behavior is actually based in our thought process and if our thoughts are negative, our behavior tends to be negative. But what about those who are always confessing “the blessing, the blessing” etc. but, they don’t see any positive things happening? Is it something that they are saying but not believing or saying and believing but not acting accordingly??? How does that work?
What is the “art and power of the reflection cycle” you talk about in book?
This book will totally change your mindset – and your life! Go down into the show notes and order her book today! Do it right now, while you are thinking about it! You know yourself, if you wait, you probably will forget. Do it now, right now, while you are thinking about. You’ll be glad you did once you read this book!
Email: melissa@mttrainingenterprisesltd.com
Contact Form on Website: https://mttrainingenterprisesltd.com/contact-2/
Website: https://mttrainingenterprisesltd.com
Book: “Uncrushed – A Simple 3 Step Process to Break Negative Mindset and Achieve Any Goal In Life.” - On Amazon
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